Chapter 1 : THE SHOWBOAT

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Inspector: Madam... madam, please have some water.

Madam... please, drink some water.

Now, tell me what happened.

Constable: Yes.

Inspector to constable: Write it down.

Constable: Tell me.

Teen girl: We...

Constable: Name, please.

Teen girl: Grace... Aisha, Aarush, Aahan, Mahi, Advik.

All this started when Aditi went to the banned area of the school library.

Inspector: Aditi? Who's Aditi?

Grace: Aditi was our classmate.

We had a very close friend circle... no jealousy or enmity, we all loved each other dearly... but there was one person who didn't like our group!

Inspector: Who?

Grace: Aditi!

Inspector: Why?

Grace: Because she was always jealous and made everyone feel inferior. Despite our attempts to stop her, she kept showing off, and that's why we didn't like her.

This happened on May 13th... we went to school like every other day... but something happened that day that no one had expected!

Inspector: What?

Grace: We had been in this school for 12 years, but we never knew that there was a basement under the senior library...

It was recess time. We, Advik, Aarush, Mahi, Aahan, were all in class. But Aisha was not there...

Aisha often met us in the library... because there was a new collection of horror books, and Aisha loved reading horror stories...

As soon as recess ended, Aisha came back to class... she was telling us about the book she read, when Aditi came there with a book in her hand. We couldn't see the name of the book... she was telling everyone, "Look! I found this book on the shelf in the banned area of the library. This book must be at least 60 years old. Maybe no one has read it yet. I'll be the first one to read it."

As soon as she tried to open the book, Mr. Deepak arrived... she put the book in her bag... After that period, we had our games... so we thought we would find out about the book later... as soon as the bell rang, everyone went downstairs... we asked Aarav to take out the book from Aditi's soon as Aarav brought the book, we read the name "CODEX GIGAS" on it... we didn't understand anything... then the games teacher came into the class... she took the book from our hands and sent us to the ground...

Then we forgot about the book... when we came back to class, Aditi couldn't find the book in her bag, she started shouting at everyone and accusing us of stealing the book.

That's when Advik went to her and told her that the book was with the principal...

When Aditi went to the principal, the principal said she didn't know anything about any book.

Aditi was confused.....
"She couldn't understand where the book went. When she came to us, she started blaming us, saying it was all because of us. We didn't say anything, but we were wondering why the principal lied. We all went back home.

Aisha had a dream at night. The next day, she was very scared. She never gets scared of dreams, but after seeing that dream, she was very frightened. We asked her what happened, but she wouldn't tell us. After a lot of questioning, we found out that she saw a basement under the school's library in her dream. There's nothing scary about it, but it's shocking that we didn't know about it until today. But after she told us what happened in her dream, we all got scared. In her dream, the book appeared, and she could hear some voices as if someone was calling her there."

Aarush says, "This is just a dream, man. Who takes it so seriously? We've seen a lot in dreams. It hasn't come true yet. You're overthinking everything. Stop reading horror stories. Everything will be fine then.......

We've decided not to take it so seriously."

Then everyone goes to the ground because Aarush has a football match today.


Aisha doesn't come. She goes to the library instead. Everything was fine there.

Aisha forgets about it and starts reading a book. Suddenly, she hears footsteps. She sees that the principal was coming towards the library shelf with a book. She quickly hides under the table so no one sees her......

As soon as the principal comes near the shelf...

Aisha saw something that she couldn't believe...............................

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