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Aisha: Grace...

// They quickly ran towards them...//

Aisha: Grace... Grace... Open your eyes...

// There was blood on her hands, and as soon as she looked towards the blood, she smelled something strange...//

Aisha: Ketchup???

// Grace and Advik start laughing...//

// That guy wasn't anyone else but Sarth... Aisha's best friend...//

Aisha (To Grace): Crazy... Insane... people..... Who does that??? Did God forget to give you a brain?

// Aisha gets up and walks to the classroom...//

// Aisha heard someone's voice...when she turned she saw a girl....her faced was stabbed with a knife and her right eye was missing....//

//Aisha started screaming....//

Aisha: Aaaaaaaaa!

//and she fainted.....when she opened her eyes.....she was on a bed ...but it was not hers...

she heard someone's footsteps...?

she tried to hide herself under the bed...but this decision was not in her favor.

As she hid under the bed...she heard someone's voice...

"Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red."

She quickly came out....and she saw someone on the bed.... it was her principal with a knife in her hand, she had a scar on her face if someone had stabbed her with a knife...

Aisha screamed like anything...

but...then she heard

someone telling her to wake up...

she quickly woke up....//

Grace: What happened?? Is everything alright??

Aisha: I had a dream?

Aarush: A dream??

Aisha: Yes, Mrs. Ellis (our principal) tried to kill me....

Advik: What?

Aisha: Yes... but where am I?

Aahan: In the school restroom... we found you... fainted in class....

Mahi: What happened in class?? How did you faint?

Aisha: I saw a girl with a book and a knife in her hand. Her face had marks as if she had been stabbed with a knife, and her right eye was missing.

"Mahi: We think you need to rest... why don't you go home?

Others: Yeah, Mahi's right.

Aisha: No, there's just one more period left and then it'll be break time.

Grace: Really?

Aisha: Yes, of course.

// As they are about to return to the classroom, Aisha sees that girl again... //

Aisha: Why do I feel like I've seen you somewhere?

Girl: I didn't come to harm you... but don't go to the library basement... don't go... or she'll kill you... she won't spare anyone.

Aisha: Who won't spare anyone??? And why??

// Just then, Mahi calls out to her //

Mahi: Hey, where did you stop? Come quickly...

Aisha: Yeah, I'm coming...

// As Aisha turns back towards the girl, she disappears... Aisha heads towards the classroom... //

// That night...

Aisha lies on her bed, thinking... //

Who is that girl... first she tried to kill me and now she's saying she won't... and that dream?? ...there's one common thing in everything... that basement and that book... I have to find out about her no matter what... I won't tell anyone about this or they'll think it's my hallucination... the summer vacation starts tomorrow... I'll go to that basement and no one will even know...

// The next day, as she heads towards the basement, she meets Aditi... //

Aisha: Aditi, you?? Here... in the library... I've never seen you here before... are you going to the banned area again??

Aditi: Hey, speak softly... if someone hears, there will be trouble...

Aisha: How will anyone hear? There should be someone around, right?? By the way, is this a banned area??

Aditi: You don't know?? Let's not fool anyone...

Aisha: Why are you saying that??

Aditi: Because where you're standing, that's the banned area...

Aisha: What??? What nonsense are you talking??

Aditi: What happened to you? You were the one who told everyone that this is a banned area... you even complained about it...

Aisha: No... no... wait, what are you saying??

// Just then, a teacher passing by notices Aditi //

Teacher: Aditi?? What are you doing here?? The vacation has started... why are you here??

Aditi: But Miss Aisha was...

Teacher: Quiet... go home now... go...

// Aditi immediately leaves //

// After the teacher leaves, Aisha also heads to the basement... //

Aisha: Where to find the book now???

// Just then, she sees a table... there's a book placed on it... Aisha immediately goes to it... //

Aisha: Maybe this is it...

// The book has written on it...


Aisha: What kind of book is this??"

// as she opened the first page of the book book...she got scared.....//

The Haunting  Stacks : A Spine -Tingling Tale From The School LibraryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant