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Aisha saw something that she couldn't believe.....

Aisha went out quickly and told everyone about it.

But nobody believed her.

Mahi said, "Don't read so many books that you go crazy. We've been in this school for years and never heard anything about it. We've only heard rumors that this school was built on a graveyard."

//Everyone laughed......//

Advik said, "Forget all this, focus on Aarush's match."

Aisha asked, "What's the score?"

Aahan replied, "3-0."

Aisha said, "Oh."
But I'm telling the truth... Principal Ma'am herself opened that door."

Grace said, "What will people think if they hear about it? This group used to be a bit crazy, but now it's gone completely mad."

Mahi added, "That's right."

Aisha tried to say something again.

Mahi interrupted, "no 'buts'. Quietly watch the match and then you'll throw a party."

Aisha asked, "Party? Why should i throw one?"

Grace warned, "If you start now, there will be a debate."

Aisha: okay.....fine...

Grace: better....

//everyone laughed..

Aarush's team won the match.....

The next day...//

Grace: Have you guys seen Advik?

Others: No, he must be around here somewhere. Why?

Grace: No, he's not here. I don't know where he is.

Mahi: Where was he last seen?

Grace: He said he was going to the library to return a book... but when i went there, he wasn't there...

Aisha: He's not someone who would just disappear like that...

Grace: This is not the time for jokes... we need to find him.

Aarush: She's right, we need to find him.

Aahan: But where do we look... and we need to know where he might be...

Aisha: The library...
He was last seen there, right? Maybe we'll find some clues there...

Others: Let's go...

//They all reach the library...

After searching the library thoroughly, everyone becomes worried...

Then Aisha's eyes fall on a stack of books... it looks a bit strange... as Aisha moves towards the stack... her leg collides with the table and she falls towards the stack...
As she collides with the stack, it moves slightly to the side... and a door opens... and she falls inside...

Everyone is shocked at what just happened...

Everyone rushes to Aisha... they help her up...//

Aisha: I told you all, didn't I... but you all didn't listen to me...

//They all went downstairs. There they saw Advik reading a book...//

Aisha: Look at this great person... everyone here is worried, and this gentleman is here reading a book...

Mahi: Are you crazy?

Aahan: What is this?

Aarush: Hey, we are talking to you... helloooo........

Aisha: Grace, you explain  him now...  coz....he doesn't listen to us...

Grace looks at him angrily...

Mahi: Let's give them some privacy...

Aarush, Aahan, and Aisha start laughing...

Aarush: Now that we are here, why don't we make this our meeting place...

Mahi: But if someone locks us in from outside, we'll be stuck here forever...

Aisha: That's a good point...

Aahan: There must be another door here...

//Everyone thoroughly checks the basement...//

Mahi: Look here... a door...

Everyone goes there...

Aahan: But this one is locked...

Aisha: Wait, I have something...
Aisha takes out her hair clip...

Aarush: Were you a thief since childhood?

//Everyone laughs...//

Aisha unlocks the door...

// Aahan opens the door and sees a tunnel leading somewhere... they enter it... it's very dark inside...

Then Aahan takes out a lighter...

Everyone is shocked...//

Mahi: Are you a drug addict or what?

Aahan: No, dude... just for emergencies...

Mahi: What emergency could there be? If you 'll meet a thief on your way, he'll say, "Come on, let's smoke together..."

//Everyone laughs...

As they come out of the tunnel, they realize it's the backside of the school ground...//

Aarush: Great, now we can bunk school too... no one will even know...

Aisha: Wait a minute... but where are Grace and Advik?

Mahi: Everyone rushes back.....

//As soon as they return, they see that Advik and Grace are covered in blood... and there's a boy standing next to them.....//


The Haunting  Stacks : A Spine -Tingling Tale From The School LibraryWhere stories live. Discover now