#13 I Loved You

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The love we share
won't disappear
no matter how much time
we spend apart.

Because my love for you
has always been deeper
than the ocean.
It's tragic that you left
so soon,
but you still live
within my heart.

This parting was something
that both of us never wanted
but it was your way
of surviving
through all the chaos.

I saw relationships
and people change,
but even though
you're not here, I know
you would've stayed
if given the chance.

To live a happier life
with me
away from all.
Just us,
you and I,
caressing and healing
each other's scars.

I loved you,
despite all the lies,
despite you saying
you were okay,
I thought...

That you'll come around,
and that it's just a phase,
I shouldn't have been
so blind to your rage.
I shouldn't have been
blind to your need
for escape.

I should have protected
your soul better.
I should have given you
more reasons to smile,
more reasons to laugh.

More reasons to
enjoy your life,
more reasons to
believe in us.

That I was gonna
make it all ok,
and that one day
it will all be behind us,
but no, it's not.

Now it's you behind me
as I think of the reasons
in my nights,
every waking hour.
With you, I
would've won in life,
but without you now
my future seems dark.


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