#25 Stillness

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The blades of grass moved with glee at the soft spring breeze.
The warmth of summer soon coated them, and soon followed gossamer,
tying their hearts with invisible white ribbons, then fell ferns
after a hard rain, they stole from the sky and poured water to the weak ones.

River flowed sweetly among the green like cheese in the bread,
Flowers laced the meadows, the glow of fireflies in the night, beauty extends.
Lighting up like Christmas lights over these tall trees,
The dreamy scent of candy floss, it rained candies.

Was I napping and dreaming, was that all not my reality?
Oh, it wasn't. I'm back to walking on pins and needles.
Grasping at any and every thread of love to save myself
from drowning in misery, that's why I escape to fantasies.

Where I can enjoy the fluffy and fuzzy sensations,
where worries come naught, as there are no expectations.
It's just pure and beautiful nature, wish I could freeze time,
to admire it more in reality but I can only draw it out in my paintings.

Or my words of poetry, where I feel solace sinking in,
where I don't seek peace, stillness finds me itself.
Where closing my eyes I can smell the scent of soil.
but when my eyes open, I'm at my desk with the smell of ink on paper.


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