#15 Right Now And Here

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I gaze in your eyes, they twinkle like starlight
You've got me in a daze, how could I hate

Someone who loved me as someone more than just friends
You were my beggining, and you are my end.

You're the only one in my heart, the only one that I want
Will you bandage my past wounds, and heal all my scars

When it grows dark and outside it's raining
Will you jump in the mud for me without questions, without any blaming.

Is my love bulletproof, because I could never take a shot
from someone I love so much. I'm afraid I'll turn into char

if you're not the one with whom I'm meant to bloom.
You're my water to ocean, like moon is to stars.

A companion in the night sky, always there when I look above
I hope you're my princess, and I'm your prince because

I wanna live life like a fairy tale, and love you like you're my greek goddess
And when it gets dark, I wanna be with you always, like your shadow, promise.

Even if you can't see it, it's there. When you face evil or hurt, or when you feel bare
I wanna protect you like a guardian angel, I wanna protect your inner flare.

I wanna protect our love, and what we hold,
I wanna live an eternity with you right now and here.


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