#35 Yours

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We were always like
water and fire.

You would set my heart
ablaze and that always
overwhelmed me.

You would burn me with
your passion and love.

You would make me shiver
in your touch, gasping for air,

Anger, sadness, death,
I did not know.

I only knew love, and only love
when I was with you.

All my other thoughts would
evaporate and you would
do that so easily.

You would become my peace,
my home and place of joy.

Revenge and money
seemed nice for all the
past hurt but

You were the one who
taught me to fall in love
with the little things.

With the way you loved me,
cared for me and gave
me attention

With the way you looked
at me like I was the only one
that mattered.

I have always melted in your
embrace fully trusting myself to
the depths of your heart,

And to the depths of your love.

In my blues, you held my hand
with strength,

Pushed me to do more,
and live again.

I hated food, you made me meals,
I kept being picky but you stayed
patient with me.

I might not say it but
you have always made me happy.

With your every word,
with your every action.

I have been completely smitten
and have become wholly yours.

In heart, body and soul.
I'm yours to take and
yours to love.


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