Chapter 2

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Jason took hold of Wren's hand; intertwining his fingers with theirs. Wren's hand was cool to the touch, but had such an appealing warmth. Wren would not look at him. They still did not think Jason worthy enough to be spoken to verbally.
Jason frowned. True he had been searching for his now former familiar earlier, but that was until he spotted Wren for the first time in months. Running through the hail and rain!
I have to catch them...If they leave my sight I'll never be able to get a chance like this again! Those were the type of thought running through Jason's mind when he rushed to follow Wren. And when Wren fell into the pit, Jason had almost passed out from fright! Then, Jason had left to acquire some supplies to build a makeshift ladder so he could climb down and retrieve Angela's replacement, but once he had gotten down and actually found Wren, they were sleeping so peacefully that Jason decided to let them rest.
Perhaps I shouldn't have been so generous. Look at it now; it's not even acknowledging me! Jason thought bitterly as he glared at the child. If only those hateful silver colored eyes hadn't revealed themselves Jason would've been able to drag Wren up the ladder he made, and be done with these blasted tunnels.
Suddenly, Wren returned the grip Jason had on their hand, earning a faint look of surprise from the great toymaker. Jason watched Wren attentively as they slowed. Wren's eyelids were drooping and they were slowly losing their balance, and once they came to a stop they were leaning against Jason with wobbly legs.
Jason released their hand and moved it over Wren's shoulder. He had only seen Wren like this once with Charlie. He had been closing shop at that time whilst waiting for Angela to return from an errand he had sent her on, when he had spotted the tall gothic ginger helping support Wren as they passed his shop. Of course Wren hadn't told Charlie about their encounters for some reason, so when Jason inquired as to what was wrong with them Charlie told him Wren had some problems with low blood sugar.
"I suppose I will have to carry you." Jason told the groggy fourteen year old. Wren didn't struggle a bit as Jason scooped them into his arms bridal style, but only let out a hoarse and quiet whine. Wren rested their head against his collarbone.
The small ball of fire that had been over their shoulder moved to fuse with the one over Jason's and rested above Wren's chest. At least it's warmer.
Jason gave a faint smile as he continued down the tunnel. Perhaps if Wren is still like this when I find a exit I'll be able to take them to my workshop with no issue. He thought happily.

Jason looked into the cave with interest. He had taken a left turn just before, and was met with a long smooth-walled tunnel that seemed man made if anything. After walking through it a bit he came across a cave carved into the left side of the tunnel. Looking into it, and walking inside; Jason found himself staring at a relatively big hole carved into the wall of the cave. The hole was not too deep, and was filled with thick layers of oddly clean looking moss.
"Looks big enough for both of us to rest in," Jason looked at the sleeping child in his arms, "but I'll leave you here and scout ahead a little. Maybe find some water if any." Jason gently set Wren inside the crevice. Making sure the box they had strapped around them was removed, Jason eyed it curiously as he held it just above the spot next to Wren. I wonder what is in here..., he thought, Was this the reason Wren was out in the storm?
He stared at the wooden box for another moment, and set it next to Wren. Jason gently brushed some of their dull deep brown colored hair from their forehead, and placed his coat over them as a blanket. Seeing that Wren couldn't move from the "nest"; Jason moved from the cave and headed further down the tunnels with a feeling of satisfaction. As soon as they find an exit Wren will be taken to his workshop and probably have their ankle shackled to the wall, and Jason will continue his search for his former familiar with the help from Candy Pop.
Jason walked a slow and steady pace as he wondered what to do with his current companion. The fireball had split once again and follow at his shoulder next to his black wind-up mouse. "What do you think Licorice? Should I take Wren on as Angela's replacement, or as my new chosen one?" He asked the wind-up toy, not expecting an answer of course. He couldn't risk losing track of his beloved creation if he wound it up and it decided to wander. He truly was not sure what to do with Wren. Hell, the great toymaker didn't think of that when he saw them. He had only thought it was his only chance to catch them before he wouldn't be able to see them for the rest of his existence.
What to do...They are too untrusting of me to become my friend, and too noncompliant to possibly become Angela's replacement...How do I keep Wren?
A sigh escaped from Jason as he rubbed his temple. He should have thought this through more. Wren will not speak to him still, and when they use sign they are disinterested. Why didn't I just take Wren when I lured them back to my shop four years ago and try to befriend them instead? I had the perfect opportunity, and Brooke probably would have suffered far more. He mentally scolded himself. Wren could have been a great friend for all Jason knew now. He has seen how fantastic Wren was with their friends-Hell he's seen how they are with HIS friend Vine, and the owner of the antique shop right next to Vine's doll shop across from Jason's toyshop.
If Jason had known Wren was friends with Vine back then he would have never laid a finger on them. The fact that they were friends with Charlie never came to him until just months after he saw them last.
Jason froze in his tracks and looked down. He had stepped in some sort of puddle. Water...! Wait. Jason lifted his leg and stepped back, and kneeled down to look at the puddle better. He rose his hand over his shoulder and brought the harmless flame close to the puddle. Jason's rotten blood ran colder than ever.
This was not a puddle of water.
Jason looked around him with wide eyes, and led the fire ball over his palm to look at his surroundings. In front of him was a huge stone corridor surrounded by drip stone and along the wall-no, covering the walls almost head-to-toe, were skulls.
Jason blinked realizing he was walking into the corridor, and looked about the skulls. They were mostly human from what he could tell, but some were clearly inhuman. He could see humanoid skulls with razor sharp canine teeth, extra eye sockets, hell most of the jaws of the skulls were missing. One skull caught his attention the most, and he found himself eyeing it over and over again.
Jason approached it.
The skull, wasn't exactly a skull. It looked much fresher, and skill had a faint head of hair. Is it...
He pressed his index finger against it's cheek, and immediately reeled back in disgust. It was fresh.

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