Chapter 3

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"Good morning." Jason greeted Wren without turning from the stove.
Their stove.
Inside of their home.
How had they gotten home? They did not remember returning, or getting out from the tunnels. Jason couldn't have found his way to their home could he?
Wren had woken up to find themself all clean and in their nightgown, and originally thought the tunnels to be a dream, but after they changed into outdoors clothes and came down from their room they were met with Jason standing in their kitchen area cooking with their stove. Was it not a dream? How did he get here!? Wren's mind raced, If he found this place then could-
"By the way, I saw the calendar pinned to the wall next to the front door," Jason spoke softly, "and I watered the plants you are growing on your balcony for you. I didn't know you liked tiny cherry tomatoes."
Wren was stupefied. They hadn't expected to ever hear Jason speak so softly to them since their first encounter four years ago. A uneasy feeling clawed at Wren's gut. Why was Jason speaking so softly to them? Was this some sort of twisted ruse to hurt them again? How do they get him out of their home?
Jason placed the second finished hotcake on top the one already on the plate that sat on the counter next to the stove, and turned to face them with the plate in his hands. Wren must have been making a face because Jason's calm expression was replaced with a frown. "Don't look at me like that." He growled as he approached them, and held out the hotcakes to Wren.
Wren only stared at the hotcakes. Their mouth watered at the mere sight of the thick flattened pastries, and they smelled so good! Wren turned their head away from the hotcakes and attempted to step towards the door, but was swiftly grabbed by the upper arm.
"What makes you think you can go anywhere? You've not even eaten breakfast, and you've the nerve to reject what I've made you?" Jason scooped Wren up under his free arm and carried them over to a dining room set up that Wren did not previously have in their treehouse, and forced the unhappy child into on of two wooden and cushioned chairs. Jason placed the plate of hotcakes right in front of Wren, who only glared at them and pushed the plate of hotcakes away like a picky five year old with broccoli. They did not trust any food made by Jason, therefore they would not eat it willingly.
"Do not make me forcefully feed you, Wren. If you want to go out anywhere today, you will eat breakfast here first." Jason said with a warning tone in his voice as he pushed the hotcakes he prepared back in front of Wren. Wren glared at him and rejected the food once again. "You do not get to try and control me in my home." Wren signed. They stood from the chair before Jason could reply and walked but a few steps before their head felt light, and Wren tumbled a bit and fell onto their knees.
"I told you you're not going anywhere," Wren could hear Jason smirking as he spoke, "You have been out with a fever for days without eating anything. You should consider yourself lucky I decided to help you when I spotted you at the bottom of that pit, instead of letting you die of hypothermia." Jason buried his hands under Wren's arms with a strange gentleness Wren was not used to. "That brother of yours was kind enough to lead me back here."
Wren stared at Jason as they were sat back into the chair. Days? And Donovan led him here, and left me alone with him?
"I think it was a good thing Donovan and I have met before," Jason began, "He's been keeping a stalker off of me. I did warn him of Anthony's habits, but he's the one who decided to save him from being hit by a truck."
Wren blinked. They didn't know this of Donovan. Was that why Jason was being so gentle with them, and feeding them? How bad was Anthony to him, and who is Anthony?
"At least you're eating now. If I did not know any better, I'd think you couldn't feel your body telling you that you were hungry." Jason commented. Wren's eyes widened. They hadn't even realized they were eating the hotcakes. The sweet taste became known in their mouth, and some syrup dripped from the corner of their mouth. They finished the hotcakes quickly and pushed the plate away when they finished. Wren looked at Jason to see he had a calm expression, and was resting his chin in his palm.
Suddenly Jason's eyes widened just as Wren felt a napkin touch their cheek. Wren froze; startled by the sensation of the napkin rubbing the syrup off of their face, then turned to see long black hair and gentle green eyes with red eyelashes. Wren offered Donovan a warm happy smile. "You scared me!"
Donovan smiled faintly and retracted his hand with the napkin. He then turned to Jason, who had stood up from the chair he was sitting in. "Wren is well enough to go out now," "It has not even been a day, and Wren has only eate-," Jason tried cutting in, but was silenced by Donovan raising his hand. "Wren is not a human. Their body works very differently than that of a human. Wren will be alright going out as long as they have their umbrella. Your part in caring for them the past few days is now over, so it's time you take your leave," Donovan's deepish voice was soft and calm as he spoke, "But we are heading in the same direction, so we will walk into town together. Mr.Stone has been wanting to see Wren for a while now."
Jason glared at Donovan but quickly regained his composure and put on a smile. He brushed some of his maroon colored hair behind his ear; the silver ear cuff glimmering as he did so. "Very well then friend," Jason practically hissed out the word, and looked over to Wren, "I have been eyeing something from that old antique shop for a while anyways."

Wren held onto Donovan's hand as the three made their way through the forest. It may have been odd for a fourteen year old to hold hands with an adult, but Wren couldn't shake the feeling of danger they always had around Jason.
"So...," Jason began; interrupting the silence, "What is Wren's relationship with the old man, Mr.Stone?"
Donovan answered Jason, "Mr.Stone is a close and trusted family friend, and Wren often visits his shop. He's like a loving grandfather to them."
Jason was quiet for awhile after, but after they made it into town he began to ask questions again. "What about your father? Where is he?"
"Wren and I have different fathers. Their farther Jeffery is having some troubles with distant relatives he needs to sort out. He will be back soon."
Wren squeezed the handle of their umbrella. They weren't sure if they wanted Jason to know anymore than he already does. Donovan seemed to notice this as he asked Jason to stop prying into their family's business. Jason did stop as they came to a crosswalk.
Wren shifted their feet as they sensed the growing tension. They looked over to Jason, and realized how tense his expression was. His lips were pursed, his brows were close together from what they could tell, and his yellow eyes were wide as he looked at something across the street. Wren followed his gaze, and spotted someone staring at the three. Even with the crowd of tourists they could see that the man's violet eyes were moving to look at each of them. His blueish black hair was tied back tightly, and his fringe ran loosely under his ears and tied back. He wore a light gray turtleneck sweater with long sleeves and black jeans with chains hanging from his belt.
"You know where to find Wren if you want to talk to them. Anthony should follow me instead to going to you, but you can use the crowd to avoid him if needed." Donovan spoke up as he led Wren to cross the street. Wren looked back and made eye contact with Jason, and they couldn't help but notice the hint of worry in his eyes before he waved goodbye and turned away.
Wren turned to look forward once again to find the man walking up to Donovan's other side and taking hold of his hand.
"Donovan, it's been too long! Where have you been these past few weeks?"

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