Chapter 4

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Donovan watched as the older man welcomed Wren into his shop. Mr.Stone was surely the best one he could leave his sibling with. Mr.Stone offered a wave in Donovan's direction. His amber colored eyes reflecting kindness even as he gave Anthony an unhappy look.
Donovan waved goodbye with his free hand and turned to go further down the sidewalk. It was about time he visited the library around this part of London. Unexpectedly after they were both a good distance from where Donovan dropped Wren off, Anthony halted.
"Donovan what is your relationship with that girl and the old shop owner?" Anthony asked. He looked at Donovan with a gentle smile on his face that also gave off the eerie vibe that he had when unhappy or suspicious about something. His soft fingers intertwined with Donovan's were tense and stiff. Donovan gently rubbed Anthony's hand with his thumb as he responded to his question. "Wren is my blood sibling, and Mr.Stone is a close family friend. He plays the role of a grandfather for Wren."
"Oh," Anthony's demeanor brightened upon hearing his words, "I didn't know you had a sister. Do you live together?"
"We live closely, but not in the same home." Donovan explained. Anthony tinkered with his tight hair bun a bit with his free hand.
" heading to the nearby library?" Anthony asked.
Donovan stared at him thoughtfully before he answered, "I am," he smiled faintly, "You know me so well despite our few encounters~" Donovan mused as he began to walk forward. He continued holding the smaller man's hand as they walked side by side. They did receive the occasional glance from tourists and locals, but for once Donovan didn't mind. Beside him Anthony was going through a flurry of emotions, and Anthony's thoughts were always entertaining to hear and listen to.
He's not pulling away! He SMILED at me...Why did she look at him like that? He's massaging my hand with his thumb! I wonder how Jas-NO I am with Donovan right now, HE is an afterthought...I wonder what books Donovan likes..., Anthony's thoughts continued like that even as they came up to the library.
The library was a relatively big building with large glass windows that had both books and trinkets on display behind them. Upon going inside, Donovan was pleased to see the vast quantity of bookshelves on both the first and second floor. There were fur sets of stairs; two in the front, and two in the back that lead up to the second floor, and in the center of the back stairs was an elevator. This is much bigger than any other library I have visited. Donovan thought with a pleasant smile.
"Have you been here before Anthony?" Donovan inquired of his companion. Anthony's violet eyes glimmered as he made eye contact with Donovan. Donovan looked over the peculiar man; noting his freckles on his face, lack of chin stubble, and pale smooth skin. Anthony was barely up to Donovan's chin, and was about the same height as the toymaker he was practically tormenting before Donovan found his quick interest in him amusing.
"I have been here two times before. This library is mainly for inhumans and such." Anthony responded after a moment of staring.
Donovan spent the next few hours looking over the books on the first floor, then inquired old mythology and inhuman history books to the librarian. She was a sweet elderly woman with stunning silver eyes and a plump figure. And she looked displeased to see Anthony.
"Those books are up on the second floor. It's fastest to use the back stairs. From there the bookshelves are labeled Mythology/History to the very left."
Donovan and Anthony headed upstairs; following the librarians directions to the large bookshelves under the said label. Donovan looked over the books until one in particular caught his eye. It was high up on one of the top shelves; hidden from any normal persons view, but not from Donovan. He took a quick look around, and saw no one else aside from his companion and the sweet librarian in the library with him. A shame no one else is interested in this is quite marvelous.
He freed himself from Anthony's grasp gently as to not upset him too much. Anthony let out a groan of disappointment and watched Donovan with a look of displeasure. The taller male rested a hand on Anthony's shoulder, "I will be back down in just a moment."
Anthony rested his own hand on Donovan's. Where could he possibly go? Does he not like me?
Donavan offered a reassuring smile before his feet levitated from the ground, earning a look of astonishment from his companion. What a amusing expression he has. Donovan looked away as he flew up to the desired book and picked it from the shelf. The book was old, very old, with a worn out leather cover that adorned a lock with the key taped to it. It was very thick as well, and a bit bigger that Donovan's head in height. Hello again~
Donovan picked out a second book that happened to be next to the one he had picked beforehand. It was with a black leather cover, and was just as thick as the one Donovan had, but the pages were red. Donovan eyed it and simply flew back down to Anthony; holding the books with one arm as he took initiative to grab Anthony's hand. Donovan smirked as delight erupted from the man like a watermelon wrapped in too many rubber bands. Before they had moved on, Anthony had taken an interest in a book himself and picked it from the shelf with a unreadable expression. Could help find out what he is...bmmmm...
Donovan offered a curious look before moving on to the nearby recliner. He didn't bother with the lever as he sat down in the lone seat, and only patted the space left next to him to signal Anthony to sit there. Anthony's eyes sparkled with delight as he quickly sat down into the chair; squeezing into Donovan as Anthony wrapped an arm around his and rested against the crook of Donovan's neck with a pleased smile. Donovan shifted his body to get more comfortable. Jason was not kidding when he said Anthony gets attached very easily. Sure Jason was trying to warn him about Anthony and explained his problems and twisted form of love, but Donovan found him amusing, and interesting.
They had first met two weeks ago. Anthony had been waiting at the crosswalk for the go light, and Donovan had finished shopping for some necessities for Wren's familiar. It was a cool night with few people out. Perfect for Donovan, who was not used to crowds. That night Donovan came up next to Anthony to wait for the go light as well. Anthony passed a few glances at Donovan, and even now Donovan could remember the man's thoughts.
Huh...He's pretty beautiful. I wonder what hair products he uses...I wonder how much venom it would take....
The thoughts had intrigued Donovan enough to look at Anthony, who immediately looked away with a stone-like face. Then the go light shown from across the street, and Anthony took a few steps onto the road. Donovan snatched him back to the sidewalk just as a large truck sped past; nearly hitting Anthony's leg. Donovan dragged the shocked man back to a nearby bench, and after he made sure their was no damage, he left for home.
It was only two days later that Donovan realized he was being followed by Anthony, and Jason had warned him. Even after Jason's warning, Donovan took a form of pity on Jason, and decided to take the burden of Anthony's attention from him. Of course that did mean Donovan would've had to approach him first, and he did. He hid in a spot out of his stalker's view and confronted him from behind when the man walked past looking for him. The man did slash him with his claws out of fright, but he had healed instantly then. Anthony played the part of innocent civilian well.
Donovan still couldn't tell if Anthony knew that Donovan wasn't fooled by his act or not, but his interest in Donovan has been growing to the point that Jason was an afterthought.
Turning the page in the red-paged book Donovan wondered if Anthony truly was falling in love, or if he even knew what actual love felt like. Nevertheless Anthony was entertaining to him. Not three days after Donovan confronted him, Anthony was latching onto him and trying to called him an unliked shortened version of his name; Donnie. Donovan did shut the nickname down. Getting him to unattach from the toymaker wasn't too difficult either. All Donovan did was hold onto Anthony whenever he tried to go pester Jason in public and asked him some questions, and his attention would stay on Donovan while Jason made his escape.
Now, with Anthony snuggling into Donovan, he honestly had no complaints. Donovan actually enjoyed the company.
All of the sudden, Anthony sat up and prodded Donovan's arm. The bigger male turned to look at him with a curious gaze. He was sure this library didn't have a closing time, and it was not even four yet.
Anthony's violet eyes gleamed with something Donovan did not recognize as they made eye contact.
"Are you free for dinner tonight?"

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