Expectations :

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I have written a few on expectations, but these are a few of my favourites:

Watch me as I shakily tie these ropes of expectations tighter. As I stutter my last words, nothing comes out just a sigh of relief as I jump off.

We will all forever be a slave to society, a slave to the expectations that have such a tight grasp over us and our lives. The same society who kills so many daily, easily crushing the hearts and souls of innocent men just wishing to reach the rich age of 100. Yet society holds no remorse, effortlessly creating a new expectation and 'rule' for us to follow. If you don't, society will turn against you and slowly melt you on their tounges and enjoy the taste, craving to ruin more lives. I will forever hold the cuffs around my wrist, and this durt on my knee I have gained by kneeling down to the expectations. As my heart collects dust and slowly breaks, so will I. Everyone will continue to throw rocks at me, and over time peirce holes in my olive skin as I let them continue.

isn't it ironic how a rose is more loved then a venus fly trap? roses sit in a field with many much alike themselves, whilst venus fly traps wonder why there are such less of them and so many roses. hoping one day they'll become a rose, to be given as a symbol of love, not given to kill. the venus fly trap sits in a vase next to roses and asks, "why can't I be like you?" the rose says "i may be beautiful, yet i hurt those i touch." or "i may be beautiful, but when i touch someone i lose a thorn that once protected me."

Us as people often look for things where they were lost, like a phone e.g. some retrack our steps. but why do we go and seek happiness in the same place where it was lost? if someone makes you feel self conscious then they don't deserve you, validation isn't for others to make it's for you to make. so what if babera from 5th period didn't like your hair? along as you like it then you should be happy, pave your own way.
unlike a lot of things happiness can't be find in the same place it was lost because now happiness is non-existent and the person who made it that, has now crushed it and added it to their box of souls that they have crushed. they wanted your happiness to validate themselves whereas if everyone had just validated themselves to begin with bullying wouldn't happen.

Flamingos have feathers. humans have skin. if a flamingo was born without a few feathers, people wouldn't judge, as a matter of fact it would most likely be considered 'cute' because that flamingo is unique. however, when humans are missing a few 'feathers' why are they made fun of? why do humans get made fun of so critically for being physically or mentally challenged. e.g. have a disability. and whenever society decides to try to normalise disabilities it is usually in adverts or campaigns for big companies trying to be 'inclusive' or trying to get donations or make people feel bad. but if we openly advertise disabilities and campaign it as being 'inclusive', are you truly being inclusive?
the real question is, why when animals have a few things missing about them it's cute but not humans?

Skunks are normal creatures until they stink. they sit there majestically looking at you, persuading you that they are innocent and won't hurt you.
the moment the skunk stinks, because you've become so emotionally attached to this animal, you try to romanticise or persuade yourself it's normal. same with people, if someone persuades you and gains your trust, when they stab you in the back with their tounges, you don't think much of it because of how much you have attached yourself to this person and have persuaded yourself that they're just being them normal self and you've just become sensitive.
It's funny how once someone has gained your trust, they will slowly become more intelligent of your insecurities, weakness etc. However, if someone who really cared about you they won't be a skunk but instead a peacock, show their true colors when they become closer to you, but unlike skunks, their true colors are beautiful, not manipulative.

Every puzzle peice is different, although some may have the same built their is guaranteed to have something different. if their is a group of puzzle pieces which fit in perfect. the lat puzzle peice doesn't have the right build or physical appearance to fit in with the other peices. so it cut itself. the puzzle peice cut off a peice of himself just so it could fit in with the perfect puzzle peices and make the perfect 'picture'. however if we keep cutting ourselves do we really belong anywhere? if we remove a bit of ourselves everything we will soon become nothing.
this story can show how we shouldn't change ourselves for other people because if they require you to cut or remove a peice of yourself every time they don't want you for the right reason.

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