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Humans naturally step on ants, some not deliberately and some deliberately. however, why do we step on ants? probably because they're meaningless to us and 'small.' however, for example, rishi sunak is currently running our country and many people hate him for ignoring the 'little people' being us. recognise a pattern? that's because we as humans, whether you're rich or poor, step on ants and consider them unimportant because they're small. so why do we take such offence when mps do it to us? because we have family? so do ants. because we have feelings? so do ants.
mostly when we step on ants we don't appreciate that they officially help us and are the reason we are here,  although they might get in the way.
what rishi sunak has trouble remembering is that we are his ants. he isn't afraid to step on us although we are constantly helping him and the reason he is there.

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