Short Stories:

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you're wife has been dead for several years, you've seen her dead body, did multiple funeral services and kept her ashes. so, for several years you've morned over her death and have refused to date anyone else because of the upset and confusion of your wife's mysterious sudden death. you have blamed yourself for the death several years thinking maybe you didn't treat her right etc.
After 10 years after your wife's passing, you decide that mourning over her death isn't going to bring her back, so you get tinder, it's what she would've wanted.
you swipe left until something stops you.
a picture of your 'dead' wife staring right at you. a photo you'd never seen before. in confusion and shock you check the name. a look-alike? doubt it. you check, the same name as your wife. coincidence? hardly. you check when the account was created, kind of hoping she has set this up as an attempt to cheat on you before her death. no. made just a few weeks ago.
false account? perhaps. there are 3 other photos surrounding your wife, one with the statue of liberty behind her in a photo you'd never seen before. you'd never taken her to new York City? you swipe right, unaware as to why but feeling as if the decision was the right one to make.
you breath your first breathe after seeing her profile, you have several sleepless nights, still no match. you contact tinder to inform them of someone impersonating your dead wife, and even worse, photoshopping the images.
finally, after endless worry, your phone screen lights up. in desperate needs you check immediately,  hoping this could be the end of several endless nights. the match was followed with a simple 'hi'. you panic. you'd always dreamt this day would come but yet had never planned what your response would be. you mash the letters on your phone as fast and hard as possible. 'who are you?'
' I'm -wife's name-' the tinder account replied.
you have a conversation and reveal to her that she was dead 10 years ago and have ruined your life in mourning and disaster. your wife messaged back. you shakily open the message in desperate hope of it to be a prank from one of your friends. the world froze. everything moving slowly. why?
no awnser, just a suspicious invite to the park. without hesitation you reply, okay.
on the day, you approach the park hearing your footprints pound through your head. 'hello -your name-.' you look up as a whispery voice says your name. it was your dead wife. holding a bottle of champagne and a picture of you and her.

imagine you wake up, in the same place you wake up everyday, at the same time as you wake up everyday, in the same position on the same side as you wake up everyday. except something is different, in your mattress you notice a strange bump placed just underneath your back. you don't think much of it, as if it was a coil or smth. it's been a week and the bump keeps getting bigger and slowly gets more harder and big enough to even itch yourself with it.
this unusual bump is getting annoying and is disrupting your sleep. so you decide to cut/unzip your mattress...
the bottom of your mattress is stained red, the kind you can't wash out. this is your first red flag. you put your hand into the small hole in your mattress, but it was still big enough to see whereabouts you were going. you feel a pulsing motion, meeting your hand. so you grab what is in there and attempt to put it out.
it turnt out to be a person that had been roaming your house every night, but hiding in your mattress and rezipping themselves in to avoid getting caught. you ask his name, and it was your long lost brother who had 'died' short after birth. that's why he was growing..

imagine you're friends with someone since like nursery like im talking about like you grew up with them and shi. like you're really close and whatever like your mum's are great friends, like everyone from their family knew everyone from your family like generations grew up either dating or being best friends with the other families generations.
but then a twist happens.
you're hanging out one day because your friendship is literally perfect so you live next door to one another. it is a rule between the 2 families that every day the youngest generation has to hang out with the other familys youngest generation.  which are always the sam eage because coincidentally the two families some how always become pregnant on the same day, gove birth the same say and if it was a miscarriage then the other family had a miscarriage like some crazy shit.
but then one day, because you're the youngest generation you're hanging out with their youngest and whatever. but as you two are hanging out and whatever you notice a small screw on their inner neck. you ask them what it is. they cover their screw with their hair as they laugh. you pretend like nothing happened and laugh about it, as if your mind was playing tricks on you.
she starts malfunctioning, like vibrating and whatever, you laugh it off, as if it was a joke. but a few moments later her skin turns into a red, sizzling, goo and her eyes became completely white and her hair fell off. you see the screw and unscrew it only to find out she was filled with rice the whole time and your families past best friends and relationships have all been secretly dolls.

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