Loving the right people

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did your mum ever ask you to love her? did your best friend ever call you at 3am begging for you to love her and approve her the way she does you? you curse to your mother and although sometimes you hate her, you never forget to tell her you love her every now and then. none of these people tell you to love them, but you just do. none of these people pleeded and begged for your love but yet you still fell in love with them. say for example, your bunny, you love the bunny but its not physically possible for it to tell you how much it loves you. you just do.
sometimes humans think of ourselves as 'unlovable' but we are really just asking the wrong people for validation. you should never have to ask someone to love you, because if they really cared they would. you should never have to beg them to be the light when you are in a 'tunnel' and can't find the light. you shouldn't have to beg someone to love you. if you have to beg then you're begging the wrong person.
your mother didn't look at the hair on your head and decide the hair on your head is the colour it is therefore you are unlovable. your best friend has probably seen you throw some dark times but never decided you're unlovable. none of these people have seen you take seconds and judged you. no. why not? because they love you.
you're not unlovable because you didn't have time to shave last night, you're not unlovable because you got the normal coke instead of the diet one.

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