Wolf's POV

I didn't want to go to this party, but I'm going for the sake of an old friendship I have with Giovanni Rossi. 

We've known each other for many years, and have worked together multiple times. 

He's a smart, cunning man, and makes no mistakes which I like. 

He's the only man I'm able to work with since everyone else pisses me off with their incompetence. 

I walk into their home with my hands in my pocket. Luxury flowers were placed around the big hall in their home. 

I greeted the Rossi brothers as I walked around not interested in engaging in any sort of conversation. 

But of course that's not possible. As the American Mafia Leader and his wife and daughter came up to me. 

Just from the look of them I knew they were annoying, call it an instinct. 

I forgot the dude's name too. 

"Wolf, I take it that you remember me." He said shaking my hand. 

"Yes, you're the leader of the American Mafia, Mr..."

"Harris." He added feeling embarrassed and I nodded not interested. 

Clearly the embarrassment wasn't enough for them as he continued to speak. 

"This is my wife and daughter, Olivia." 

I knew her


My parents want me to marry her, but I'm not interested. Her sickening fake goody personality is clearly visible. 

She eyes me up and down biting her lip, clearly trying to seduce me. 

"I take it your parents have let you know about our...plans." He said thinking about the right words. 

He knows I haven't approved yet. 

Although Olivia would be submissive, she's annoying to look at. 

The annoying fuck me eyes she makes, the provocative outfits she wears to seduce men, and the sickening tone of her voice. 

Everything about her screams annoying. 

I tried ignoring them, as I excused myself and walked away to my own parents. 

They aren't any better. 

Fake, especially my mother. 


She acts all sweet in front of your face and goes home and gossips to her husband. And her husband, who unfortunately happens to be my father, isn't any better. He enjoys the gossip like a little lady. 

I know well of all their games, they can try as much as they want but I'll always win in the end. 

Since, I never lose. 

"Kaz-Wolf what do you think of Olivia?" My step-mother, Daria, asked. 

She almost called me by my real name which fuelled an anger in me which I tried to control. 

My name is a sensitive topic to me, no one called me it other than a few people from my childhood. 

I don't even permit my father to call me by my name. 

"She's annoying." I said coldly. 

"Well, I think she'd be a good wife." She replied giving me her usual fake smile. 

"Good thing I don't care about what you think." I added meeting her gaze. 

She shivered under my gaze as she looked away, not daring to look back.

That shut her up.

That's when everyone stop talking as they looked at the birthday girl walking down with her brother. 

Her hand was holding her brother tightly, as she clearly wasn't comfortable with all the people looking at me. 

She managed to cover it up well for the dumbasses who know nothing, but I'm not apart of them. 

This might be the first time I've bet a woman apart of the Mafia who isn't a fake bitch.

I like it-

She's a gorgeous girl, but doesn't know it. Not a snobby, desperate girl at all. 

I expected to see a spoil girl of 5 brothers, but she seems mature with the way she's greeting people despite her nervousness.

She hasn't been involved in the Mafia a lot, rarely seen. Her brothers have done a very good job keeping her hidden using their fashion brand. 

The media are too focused on her fashion designing skills to ask her about the Mafia. 

They hid her in plain sight. 

Like I said Giovanni is a smart man. 

"Enjoying yourself?" Gio teased clearly knowing how much I hate parties. 

I simply groaned at his words, making him chuckle. 

"I heard your planning to marry that Olivia girl." Gio asked. 

"I don't, can't stand her." I replied honestly. 

I can share anything with Gio, we've been friends for a while so I'm comfortable around him. 

"Hmm, I thought you'd lost your mind when I heard the news. Kazimir Volkov marrying the type of women he hate the most?" He continued to tease me. 

By type of women he means bitches-

He's careful with what he says about women ever since he got a sister. Yeah, when he was 10 he changed completely when he found out he would have a sister. 

He became protective, and mature. He wouldn't leave his eyes off her, and when his parents died he became even worse. 

He doubts if he's brought her up well, but looking at her now he's done a great job.

I felt eyes on me as I turned my head to see who it was and my eyes met her. 

I kept my gaze on her as she looked away. I was struggling to understand her emotions. 

Probably because I haven't met a girl like her-

She didn't meet my gaze to seduce me that's for sure. What's going on in her pretty little head?

"Have you ever met my sister before?" Gio questioned me and I shook my head. 

"Only heard about her from you."

That's when he told me to follow him, and my parents joined in as we walked towards her. 

"Aria, meet the Volkov's." Gio said to her and I didn't miss the way her eyes widened slightly. 

"Kazimir Volkov." He pointed at me. 

"Wolf." I corrected. 

Gio can call me by my real name, not her. 

Her blue shining eyes glanced at me, as I met her gaze back. I took the moment to take in her appearance. Her skin littered with freckles, her mesmerising eyes, plump lips, and the gold dress that hugged her frame in all the right places. 

She has a small frame, compared to her brothers, yet your eyes land on her the second she enters a room. The quiet girl who's presence is noticed by everyone due to her beauty. 

Yet she doesn't know that-

Gio introduced my parents as she shook their hands, and she seemed to have fallen for my mom's sickly sweet facade.  

What an innocent little girl.

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