Wolf's POV


Is he serious right now? 

How can I marry his sister?

"Why are you so shocked? I thought you wanted my help to resolve the issue." Gio shrugged. "Unless you want to marry Olivia, this is the only option I could think of."

I sighed rubbing my head. 

Anything is better than that bitch-

But Aria is too innocent, I don't want to ruin her. 

"If you're worried about Aria, she's fine with it. She was worried at first because of your reputation but she trusts me so she agreed." Gio said drinking his coffee. 

"You know your sister is extremely innocent, and I'm...well you know, not." 

"She's not as innocent as she seems, trust me. She's intelligent, mature, and a fine lady. I mean she even tells me off when I'm wrong. She doesn't speak as much around new people since she's well mannered. She thinks before she speaks, and doesn't let her emotions get the best of her when making decisions.

She is innocence in the sense that she struggles to recognise if people are good to her or not, that's whys she stays by us and trusts our opinions." Gio explained. "The only thing I'm worried about is how she's a comfort person. She likes and needs hugs, since it's like her therapy like her shopping addiction and her love for food."

"You know I'm not a cuddle person Gio." I groaned leaning back. 

"Kazimir she doesn't ask for much. She just needs to feel safe, and comfortable. I know you'll make her feel safe, now the comfort part is for you to work on. She'll live off shopping and food for a while but not for long before she breaks down. She'll come visit us a lot for that comfort, so you have time to...improve in that area." Gio cringes at his own words. 

I simply nod. 

Doesn't seem that hard. 

She's less complicated than Olivia that's for sure. 

"And you'll get revenge from Olivia." Gio smirks making me confused. 

"Did I miss a chapter?" I questioned. 

"Olivia and Aria used to be best friends. I always warned her about Olivia being fake, but she didn't believe me. That was until she stole her boyfriend. She doesn't know that I know this." 

I felt anger rush through my bones. 

I can't stand fake friends, they're worse than enemies. 

"Let's do this." 


Aria's POV

I can't believe I signed up for this. 

Gio told me that Wolf agreed. 

Then he gave me a full on lecture about how he is. 

He can keep me safe, he can provide for me in all ways possible, he may not be very sensitive but he will try to understand me. 

He'll try his best to provide me with the comfort I need. 

Gio said he's not a bad guy, he just has some things that trigger him that causes his anger to spiral. 

He's learnt to control it, but there's certain things he can't control. 

Like his name being mentioned. 

I asked Gio why he gets triggered by it, but he said it's not his place to tell. 

He wants me to get to know him, not through him. Which I understand. 

He doesn't get along with his parents so he lives in his own penthouse, and tries to avoid human interactions as much as possible. 

He's not a big communicator but has improved since when he was younger.

His mother passed away when he was fairly young, a year after ours did. He apparently changed a lot after that. 

I felt sympathy for him, I know how hard it is to lose a mother. 

Enzo studied psychology, so he told me the reason why I crave comfort so much is because of the lack of warmth I was given by my mother who passed away at an age I needed her.

He said either you hate comfort or you need it a lot. 

If I don't feel safe or feel comfort for a long time, I break down. 

It's embarrassing but I can't help it-

I have short term things that help such as shopping and food, but there's only so much things I can buy and eat. 

Luckily I have 5 brothers who are always here to cuddle and spend time with me. 

Still, similar to Wolf I don't like social interactions that go on for too long. So at least I know I won't have to be out socialising for too long. 

So far it seems easy to understand him, but then again it may be hard to do all this practically. 

Knowing how shy and nervous I get around new people, this may be harder than how I'm planning in my head. 

Gio said we should probably meet a bit before the wedding alone, but I'd rather not. 

The family dinner we have planned in a few days is enough. 

I'm already dreading this

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