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Sailor's pov

When I awake, I am under a soft silk textured sheet, laid against maybe the world's softest pillow.

With my eyelids still closed, I sigh in content and move closer to the pillow, squeezing it and relishing the soft texture.

I snuggled my head closer against it, loving the warmth it radiates.

My head doesn't feel as fuzzy anymore, but it still feels a bit like the lines in my head are blurred.

Suddenly, I feel a liquid leaking from my pillow.

I whined, my comfort being disturbed by this mystery liquid.

I feel my body being moved over onto the other side of the bed, which is empty.

My head is rest against something else, but It's not as soft as my other pillow. I reached my hand over to the side, rubbing the bed to try to find my pillow.

Instead I find nothing.

No Venus, No Toby. Did they leave me? By myself?

When I finally open my eyes, tears are in them. Practically on speed dial, ready to fall as soon as I see that I am all alone.

I look around the room, no one was to be seen in the dark unfamiliar room.

Just like that, my brain pressed the call button.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, blurring the world around me into a watery haze. I wrapped my arms around myself, seeking warmth in its familiarity. The air felt heavy with the weight of my loneliness, a suffocating blanket pressing down on me, despite the lightweight of the black silk bedsheet.

Frantic sobs wracked my body as I called out for my mommy, the sound echoing in the empty room. Each cry seemed to bounce back at me, mocking my desperation. Where was she? Why had she left me alone?

And then there was Toby. The one other person that would make me feel at peace right now. But now, in this moment of need, he was nowhere to be found.

Feeling abandoned and alone, I curled closer into myself, bringing my knees to my chest, wishing for the warmth of familiar arms around me. The silence seemed to stretch on forever, broken only by the sound of my own ragged breaths.

But just when I thought I couldn't bear it any longer, the door creaked open, and there she was. Mommy rushing to my side with stretched out arms. In that moment, her embrace was all I needed to feel whole again. The tears continued to flow, but now they were tears of relief, of love, of knowing that I was not alone.

"Shh, it's okay baby, I'm right here" she shushes me softly, holding my face in one hand and wiping my tears with the other.

When I finally stopped crying, she asked me, "what's wrong baby,hmm?"

Instead of responding, I shook my head. My head felt fuzzier than before.

With the lines blurred and unclear, I felt free from verbal restraints.

"Mommy's sorry she left you baby" she said, moving her head to look directly into my brown eyes.

In response, I sigh inaudibly, staring at her blankly.

I took this time to really look at where I was.

I sat in a large bed clad in black silk bedsheets, the walls were painted dark, plants and paintings of plants, surrounded the room.

The theme was obviously dark green, grey and black. While my color palette was a lot brighter, this room theme was comforting.

When I looked back at Mommy, I noticed her navy nightgown with a black lace trim, was wet by her boobs. Two patches of wetness stained her dress.

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