Chapter Twenty

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I was beyond angry I wanted to be there for him. Be near him, but I knew couldn't do that not now that. Olivia was still out there. I was beyond angry, how hard could it be to catch a lousy sociopathic stalker. For the past few days I've been ranking my mind thinking of reasons why she would target me. I came up with nothing relevant.

Chacha left and went back to work. Baba was in physical therapy. And here I was hiding at my uncle Leonardo's villa like a freaking coward for safety.

I've been here ever since the day I left the hospital while Daniel was in surgery. Leonardo and his brother straight up kidnapped me right off the sidewalk on my way to Baba. Saying it was some sort of intervention for my safety. I was beyond infuriated considering all that's happened to me. At first I tried escaping a couple of time. I even almost tried the whole bedsheets down the window like they do in the movies then realized that was the most stupidest idea I've ever come up with. My rational thinking seemed to have been thrown out since that day.
I realized after a few first explosively unchecked fits of rage. If I went near My sick dad now with a crazy psychotic stalker on the loose I would him and my sisters in danger like what happened to Daniel. So as I've been waiting for the authorities to catch her I've been staying at Leonardo's villa with him, Alex and Emilio surrounded by guards so I don't put anyone else in danger. Luckily I've been able to talk to Baba on the phone.

"Beta don't worry I'll be up and about in no time." He told me the last time we talked. No one has told him yet that I got married or that I have a stalker all he knows so far is that I discovered and met my moms side of the family and I was in Brazil right now which is a total lie. So not to shock him in his fragile state.

I'm not sure how my mental state was doing considering all I was doing was moping around. Food became tasteless and I have trouble sleeping at night, I developed some sort of chest pain. The concierge Doctor my uncles called said there was nothing wrong with me and asked if I recently went through a break up that I was suffering from love sickness.

Everything reminds me of Daniel sometimes I feel like I'm hearing his laughs when he's not even there. Other times I'm hallucinating I see him one second and then he disappears. I've been having way too many emotional outbursts. I miss him, before Daniel I didn't know that missing someone could hurt this much but I truly miss him. I can't go see him. Honestly he was the best thing I ever had with everything else going on in my life. But I couldn't risk his life again with Olivia still out there the thought of losing him for good hurt way more than not being able to see his face every day. I haven't been able to shake off the loneliness even though I wasn't alone I was living with Leonardo, Alex and Emilio.

Living with my uncles I picked up a lot on their personality traits. And Learned a lot about them. Emilio was the oldest he was married and I was really happy when I found out that I had cousins. Aline was twenty-two and Gabriela who I'm assuming was named after my mom was twenty though they were both older than me and have never met me before you'd assume talking to them would be awkward but honestly it wasn't formally awkward. Talking to them helped me forgets little about my pain.  Aline reminded me lot of Muhammad with his semi geeky personality and he was also a musician. Gabriela was a designer, which is impressive considering how famous her clothing line is and she's only twenty.

From what I could understand Alex wants to stay single for life. And that was because the last serious relationship he had ended sourly. He doesn't like to speak about it. I found that out because Leonardo told me.

Leonardo is engaged but the engagement was more of a business merger than a love one. Which I found strange considering the chemistry between him and Yessica.

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