The End

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Through everything that has happened to us our love had conquered it all. Before I met Danie I would have never in a million years would have imagined that I would love someone as much as I love him. He's captured my heart and bound my soul to him eternally

It's been four years since the day Daniel and I decided to hell with everything got back together. I'm now a published author raising twin sons and also going to school.

This was the beginning of my happily ever after with Daniel and my sons Hisham and Hamza.

Hamza looks Daniel more than me and Hisham resembles me more than Daniel. I've always found that quiet fascinating. Considering twins seems to run in my family. Avo was a twin as well so was my mom and now my sons. Genetics is quiet fascinating and then again so is the Qadr of Allah.

Who would have ever thought our that our stories would intertwine. We came from two different worlds and both had different stories to tell until the Qadr of Allah brought us together.

I was the girl with not much of a direction in life trying to balance school and work to helping my father. And and the world crowned him the broken prince after a tragic accident. And here we are today two different people once upon a time living on other sides  who turned out to be in love, our fates had intertwined and what was meant to be became. He's my other half from the other side.

My sisters Baheera and Baheeja
my cousins Aline, Gabriela with her fiancé and little Miguel who was my uncle Alex's son. It's quite fascinating how the sword Bachelor ended up finding out he had a son but that's a story for another time. Miguel and my sons Hamza and Hisham are inseparable. They're like the three musketeers. Both my Grandparents were there as well as Baba and Ami as well as all four of my uncles were all here for an Eid picnic. I never thought one day I would have so many family members in one place all directly related to me. I will forever and always cherish each and everyone of them.
With that said I lived happily ever after the end...for now

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