Part 1

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"Lacey, are you ready?" My sister Lauren called. She had been pestering me for the last hour making sure I wasn't backing out of going to the party.

I stood there staring at myself in the bathroom mirror; my black hair was done in a single thick braid that reached my lower back. I usually wore little to no makeup, but being that I had just moved to the city and in with my sister a few months ago to start anew, I decided to go with a light smoky eye look to accentuate my blue eyes. I was already dressed in a pair of skinny black jeans and a dark blue button down which I kept untucked. I slid my feet into my Xelement biker boots. I grabbed my leather jacket and made my way up the stairs from my room in the basement.

"Wow, Lace! You look amazing. I'm so glad you agreed to come out with me tonight. You've been cooped up in this house since you got here." My sister gave me an excited smile.

I nodded thanks to her, grabbed the keys to my black Audi R8, and followed her or the door. "I hope you'll attempt to have some fun tonight. I know you've gone through a lot in the past. This is your chance to start again. Just try, ok?" my sister pleaded. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. If I had known. . ."

"It's ok sis; it wasn't your fault." I grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring smile. "Thank you for being patient with me and for letting me stay here with you."

"I wouldn't have it another way. I've missed this." She pointed between the two of us. "And just know from now on I will always be here for you."

"I know I don't say or show my emotions much, Lauren, and I keep to myself. There is still a lot for me to work through. The nightmares are still there, but I'm no longer that broken, weak little girl."

She smiled at me, "I know Lace. I know it was a lot to ask of you so, I wanted to just thank you again for coming with me, and I'm glad you'll finally get to meet Amelia in person."

We were on our way to a birthday party for my sister's coworker and best friend, Amelia. I had time to think as I drove. I had moved in with Lauren after my honorable discharge from the military. Six years of service. I had joined right out of high school to get away from my abusive stepfather who refused to accept the fact that I was a lesbian. It had also been a way to help forget the horrible events of the night that led me to lose the one person I ever loved.

After a quiet forty-five-minute drive, we pulled up to a small mansion on the outskirts of the city. I looked at the luxurious home in amazement. "Why is Amelia working at the newspaper with you again?"

"It's her boyfriend's home. Well, his parents' home. Senator and Mrs. Richmond" she explained.

I pulled up and backed my car up in the first available space to avoid having to hand my keys over to the valet. I followed my sister to the door. A man in a white tuxedo greeted us there. "Are we supposed to dress up?" I whispered to Lauren as we were led through the foyer.

"Come on!" she grinned as she looped her arm on to mine and tugged me forward through the main floor. We followed our well-dressed guide through the glass doors leading to the garden area in the back.

There was a stage set up with a live band. Some of the guests who all looked to be about our age were already bumping and grinding each other on the dance floor, which was laid out just below the stage. Strings of white lights adorned the trees that lined the garden area, giving the surrounding tables just enough lighting. It had the feel of a cozy upscale outdoor restaurant.

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Where stories live. Discover now