Part 30

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It's been three months since the incident and we've all stayed in Columbus as we healed physically and emotionally,  since everyone has recovered, for the most part, tonight we are having a special celebration at Coach J's. 

Brad and my former stepdad arrest gained media attention around the world, there was still work to be done against the terrorist on the home front and I've teamed up once again with Morgan doing freelance work for WATT.

"Ley, Ley, could you help me tie the bow on my dress," Little Jay asked.

"Sure Hun, you look very pretty tonight,' I said taking in her pink frilly dress. "Go grab your shoes, your mommy should be here soon and then we'll leave."

"Yay," she squealed excitedly and ran off to her room.

"Hi I'm home," Jackie called as she entered the door, I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, "how was your doctor's appointment?"

"It went well, I'll be starting treatment next week," she smiled her eyes shined brightly once again, just like when we were younger. "You about ready to go?"

"Yeah, just waiting on the princess." I smiled back,

'Princess huh, then that would make a queen." she giggled and wrapped her arms around me, "Thank you so much, Lacey, you have no idea how much I appreciate having you back in my life."

"You are very welcome, queenie." I teased, "and I'm thankful you're back in my life as well, and I'm especially thankful you saved my life so I could be." That night Jackie had stepped in front of me taking the bullet aimed to kill me, there was no possible way I would ever be able to repay her.

"Mom" Jay yelled and rushing in and tackling both our legs.

"I'm starved let's get going," I said scooping up the little blonde. After everything that had happened that night, we learned that my ex-stepfather had hired Brad, his brother Tom and a couple of their friend too, 'teach the lesbians a lesson ' as he put it,  the night Jackie was raped. an attempt to separate us, which he successfully did in some part.

 DNA testing showed Tom was Jacey's father, His parents were horrified at their son's activities and offered to pay for all of Jackie's medical bills including her chemotherapy treatments to keep it hushed, they even set up a college fund for Jay, Which was fine with Jackie, she didn't want her daughter knowing what kind of family her father was from.

Brad was brought up on rape charges regardless, when his date rape collection was discovered, along with multiple terroristic charges and the murder of his brother. He was serving a life sentence, with the others that were involved,  in a maximum security prison. Rumor has it he was now getting a dose of his own medicine behind bars, on the day of his trial I smirked at him when I watched him struggle to sit properly in his seat. The judge didn't take to kindly at his attempt to jump over the barrier to try and attract me, he spent the rest of the trial shackled to his seat.

The diner was filled with friends, family, members of WATT and other officials celebrating the end of the long and grueling trial as well as a celebration of life. We were very lucky no one died that night in one of the largest  takedowns of a dangerous criminal group the government had ever seen.

"Hey sis," Lauren sang, as she sauntered over to our table,

"Hey,' I answered, "where's the others?"

"They should be walking in any minute, And I wasn't greeting you." She stuck her tongue out at me and hugged Jackie.

"Fine, be like that I returned her gesture, I'll be in the back," I pointed towards the stage that was set up in front of us.

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Where stories live. Discover now