Part 19

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Morgan's POV

We followed the girl around the mall while they shopped and even let them play dress up with us as punishment for our awful Australian impersonation. "Remind me to never listen to you again!" Lacey grumbled as she headed back into the dressing room for the fifth time.

"Hey, at least, there not picking out dresses for us," I argued from the next dressing room. A few minute later I exited the dressing room soon followed my Lacey to hear the girls giggle as the picked out the next outfits. I laughed when I turned to find Lacey with her eyes closed banging the back of her head on the dressing room door as we waited.

"Oh hell no!" I yelled as the girls rounded the corner each holding a pair of heels and a couple of god-awful looking dresses. I looked at Lacey for support knowing how much my best friend despised wearing dresses only to find her gone.

"Ley get out here!" Amelia called following her.

"Na-uh, Not happening" she shouted back as I watched Amelia walk over and struggle with the handle of the locked door. I quickly followed Lacey's example and locked myself in my own dressing room as Lauren shouted out to me. "Cap, you've got 30 seconds to get dressed." Lacey bellowed over the girls. I quickly dressed in my own clothes slipping on my shoes as Lacey counted down, five.... four....three....two.... the fire alarm blared through the mall followed by an announcement to calmly exit the mall. I walked out of the dressing room to see a freaked out Lacey as she grabbed Amelia by the hand and headed to the exit. taking Laurens hand we followed Them out as we headed to the mall exit. A minute later the alarm stopped as we heard security guards hollering that it was a false alarm.

"Where'd you park?" I asked Lauren letting her lead us to the car.

"What happened back there?" Lauren asked as we rushed to the SUV and got in. "Morgan?"

I shut the door and looked in the rear view mirror. "Lace?" I questioned as the girls both turned to the pale woman.

"Dresses" she shuttered a sat for a moment looking at her before I let out a roar of laughter so loud shocking our girls but I couldn't stop after realizing what just happened.

My stomach was aching by the time Lauren yelled. "Why the heck are you Laughing!"

I turned in my seat to look at Lacey again as did the girls. "Baby, what's wrong are you ok?" Amelia asked after noticing how pale Lacey though she had a small smirk on her face she was trying hard to hide so I knew Lauren filled her in on Lacey's hatred for dresses.

"I... I- I can't believe you.. you called and reported a Fa- Fire." I spluttered out as I curled over practically in tears.

"Babe?" Amalia said looking at the raven haired woman not believing she'd take it that far.

"Dresses" Lacey whispered shaking her head, everyone stared at her for before bursting into laughter, Amelia quickly threw her arm around her crazy girlfriend tears streaming down her face as she struggled to catch her breath realizing how horrified Lacey truly was.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to Lacey.

The teasing continued all the way back to the hotel, "God I wished I got this on video, it would have made a great story for your grandkids." I said Lacey tensed for a second but calmed down when she noticed Amelia was laughing in agreement. I nudged her as the girls walked into the room and nodded towards Amelia. "That's a good sign she didn't freak out." She signed in relief and smiled.


"Anyone want a drink?" Amelia asked taking a few bags to the Kitchenette, everyone answered with a yes or sure.

As soon as she exited the living room Lauren rushed over to her sister. "I want to see it," She whispered excitedly. Lacey motioned for her sister to follow her to the room as I headed to help Amelia with the drinks.

"So A, how are you linking the trip so far?" She raised a brow at me probably for calling her A, Amelia is a beautiful name but come on sometimes it's so long.

"I don't think I've ever had so much fun on a trip before, I just feel bad it's been a little more stressful on Lacey then Lauren anticipated."

"Yeah but I think that you being here makes it easier for her to handle," I replied honestly. "She'd different since meeting you. Happy, less intense than she usually is." I laughed as someone knocked on the door. I walked to the door and opened finding Jackie standing there.

"Morgan right?" she asked, "Um is Lacey here?"

"What do you want?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Look I know you probably don't like me, but I need to talk to her so we can clear up this misunderstanding," She said copying my stance.

"Misunderstanding?" I said in disbelief. "You let her think you were dead for almost seven years and you call it a misunderstanding?" I scoffed just then a scream came from inside knowing it was Lauren I rushed in to find out what was wrong. Amelia came around the corner at the same time and froze when she saw Jackie. I ran to the room to find out what happened leaving her there.

Bursting into the room, I found Lacey holding her hand over her sister's mouth whose' eyes wide as she looked at the ring she held in her hand, I quickly shut the door in case Amelia came around. "What the hell you two." I took the ring and gave it to Lacey, "Put it away,"

I looked to Lauren who sheepishly grinned. sorry she whispered "But it's so beautiful she's going to love it, Lace," Lauren said pulling her sister into a hug.

"Hey um, Lace. Jackie's here." I informed her.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Lauren grumbled. "You left Amelia out there with her?" she said pushing past me Lacey and I followed quickly after her.

Amelia rushed over to us, "What's going on is everything ok?"

"Spider. " I quickly answered giving the girls a cover.

"Big" Lauren held her hand apart over executing its size.

Amelia wrapped her arms around Lacey and she shuttered. "I hate spiders," She mumbled.

Lacey reached down and picked her up. Her legs quickly wrapping around her waist. "I got you, Love," Lacey reassured her girlfriend. Her smile faded when she remembered Jackie was there when she looked over Amelia's shoulder. "Hey," She said to Jackie while placing Amelia down gently.

"Hey Lace, can we talk?" Jackie asked. Lacey looked at Amelia who whispered something I couldn't hear to her before she looking back at Jackie and nodding, she kissed Amelia and walked forward motioning to the door so they could step outside.

"Are you crazy?" Lauren asked Amelia her as soon as the door closed.

She just shrugged, "Lacey need this, It's haunted her for years maybe now she can get some closer." I smiled amazed at her answer, I couldn't imagine anyone more perfect for my best friend.  

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum