Part 25

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Sexual Content Warning. 


My sister and Amelia were arguing while Morgan tried to quiet them down as I stood there dazed at what Amelia had said. "Stop, Just Stop." I voiced loudly snapping out of my stupor. Walking over to Amelia I took her hand and I led her to the bedroom, shutting the door I took her over to the bed and sat pulling her onto my lap, I wrapped my arms around her burying my face into her chest inhaling her calming scent.

"I thought she would have told you, "Amelia spoke softly as she hugged me close.

"You are the most amazing woman I have ever met," I said tilting my head back so I could look into her emerald eyes. "Anyone else would have run, heck in the past even I would have, scratch that I did that just last night." I rambled.

Amelia leaned in and kissed me, "You are the strongest Woman I have ever met." She replied I shook my head in disagreement. "You may not see it but I do." She countered. "Whatever you decide or, however, you handle this I will stand behind you."

"I just don't understand love, Why me?" I asked honestly wanting to know the answer. "I mean one minute she's telling me how she was breaking up with me before all that happened, you know in the past." I twirled my hand in the air. "Next she's throwing herself at me, begging me to stay with her. One minute she'd dead, then she's not and now she's dying." I continued to ramble trying to make sense of everything.

"she trusts you."

"But it's been seven years love, Seven. I don't know her anymore, and she doesn't know me." I disputed.

"Maybe she feels you all have something in common, One tragic night that affected three lives, I can't honestly tell you her reasons only she can explain that." Amelia addressed. "I can tell you one thing that child is absolutely delightful." She smiled.

"You have no idea how much I love you," I smiled. "Can we just forget about everything that is going on right now? All I want to do is spend some time with you." I asked while kissing along her jawline.

"What do you have in mind?" she whispered tilting her head allowing me access to her neck.

"As much as I like to take you right this second I can still hear my sister complaining out there." I frowned into her neck. "What time is it?"

" Just after ten, you didn't sleep long, are you sure you want to go out?"

"Yeah I've got an Ideal, do you like chocolate?" I grinned.

"What woman doesn't," she grinned back.


"We pulled into the parking lot as Amelia looked around "Where are we?" she asked I walked around to her door and opened it letting her taking her surrounding a little better. "ANTHONY-THOMAS CANDY COMPANY." She read the sign of the building her eye lit up as she squealed. "You know you could have just brought me a box of chocolates and it still would have made my day."

"What would be the fun in that" I chuckled as I wrapped an arm around her waist and led her inside. We waited in the holding area and was greeted by our tour guide who ushered the group through the factory doors. We found ourselves in a small group of ten mostly young teens, small children, and a few parents. The guide allowed us to stop and watched the production has the he explained what was being made.

I watched Amelia as she pressed up against the glass alongside the kids as they all talked with one another. The Children seemed to gravitate towards her, watching how patient she was with them made me wonder if she ever wanted children of her own, she turned to me her eyes sparkled as a huge smile graced her face before she turned her attention back to the machinery behind the glass.

Out Of The Shadows (Lesbian fiction) (Edited version published on amazon)Where stories live. Discover now