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*not edited


"Em." Someone shakes my shoulder lightly.

"Emma!" They shout I open my eyes and glare at the person.

"I suggest if you want to keep that hand you remove it from my ear canal this instant." I say, slowly. Derricks finger disappears from my ear. I sit up and glare at the five people standing at the foot of my bed.

"You wake me, why?" I ask them.

"There's something you might want to see...and quickly." Jolie informs me. I frown and stand up, following the group to where the Miles' egg lay. I looked at the egg.

"It's...gone?" I whisper, my eyes wide and my mouth agape.

"Yeah, I was sitting next to the fire and then there was a big puff of smoke then it was gone." Duce says. I bite my lip.

I close my eyes and open my arms wide, trying to feel the air particles.

"There's traces of Black Magic in the air." I conclude. Black Magic is practised by a few people around the world, it is a hard magic to perfect and if you do, you are dangerous. There isn't one Person who has perfected black magic, and has used it for good.

"Can you tell who?" Jolie says. Because I have studied White Magic I can detect other magic sources, practise my own trick. I can project my awareness. And much more, I just need to learn. With white magic you are supposed to progress, and learn everything to do with magic. You can control the elements, mind control, teleportation. Everything.

I scrunch up my face and focus on a bead of black magic still lingering in the air, in my mind I enlarge it. The face that shows startles me. There are three known Black Magicians; Lia Poltern, June Kilent, and Folar Juniper.

But the face I saw wasn't any of those, the owner of the black magic was;

"Miles, it's Miles." I whisper.

"That's impossible! When would he have learnt Black Magic?!" Harmony shrieks. I glance at her shrugging.

"However he learnt Black Magic isn't important right now, what's important is the fact that he tried to read Harmony's mind." I interrupt.

"But what does he want to know!? Harmony...is there something your not telling us.." Jolie questions softly. I catch on, the possibility of Harmony not telling us something is high, she's new, so we don't know her very well.

"I, um. You will hate me after I tell you..." She whispers, my gaze hardens. If she is saying we will hate her after she tells us, then is has to be something bad.

"Harmony, tell us." I command, she looks at me fear in her eyes.

"Babe? What aren't you telling us?" Duce asks, wearily. She glances at Duce, acknowledging him.

"You have to promise not to hate me." She whispers.

"I will make no promises," I say. She visibly gulps.

"My mother, is the head of the high council." She blurts. I freeze, feeling my veins pulsate with rage.

"You." I yell. "Your the one that told the high council where we were!"

"Your working for them?" Duce chokes out.

"Babe I-"

"No, you lost the right to call me babe, and your boyfriend after you said that." Duce interrupts. He turns away with tears in his eyes and goes to his part of the cave. His brother follows him in.

"How could you?" Jolie whispers dejectedly, while Liza just stands there, shock evident on her face.

"I-I'm sorry." Harmony says, a tear falling down her face.

"How? How are you a dragon rider! Your mother should have killed you!" I yell, pacing the ground.

"She wanted me to get close to you! At first I went along but now that I have come closer with you I wanted to turn away! I really did!" She argues.

"I don't know wether to trust you, not anymore." I hiss. I storm out of the cave and begin running.

I run until I can't take another step, I collapse at the bottom of a Hal Tree, the silver bark, silky against my back.

My chest heaves with breaths that wrack my body. My feet are blistered and my arms and legs cut up by the many branches I brushed past as I ran.

My eyes slide shut and I fall into a deep, needed sleep.


"Is she dead?" I hear someone whisper.

"I don't think so, not yet." A deep voice replies.

"We should move her, you know, somewhere safe?" The first voice says.

"We don't want to risk injuring her further, I mean, just look at her ankle." The deep voice argues.

"Then wake her up!" The first voice hisses.

"Uh." The second one stumbles.

"Don't bother, you would think being werewolves you would know when someone wakes up." I grumble pushing myself up.

"Oh." Someone says. I look up glaring at the mutts. It's two guys.

The first guy, the one with the soft voice, has dark brown hair and blue eyes, he's tall and have muscle. He's pretty attractive for a wolf. And the second one, he's pretty much the opposite, blonde hair, brown almost black eyes, he's also tall and has muscle. Again, attractive for a wolf.

"Your on our land, why?" Deep voice asks.

"Look, I ran onto your land and didn't realise I had trespassed, I'm sorry I'll leave now." I say crouching and slowly standing, I begin to walk away limping badly.

"Wait, don't leave." Soft voice pleads.

"And why shouldn't I? Why should I listen to you?" I counter.

"Because, your on our land and we could kill you without flinching." Deep voice growls. I gasp and look down.

"Great going bozo, you scared her." Soft voice mumbles, shoving deep voice.

"Well, can I at least know my 'saviours'' names?" I sigh, giving up.

"I'm Spencer and bozo over there is Ryder." Soft voi-Spencer says.

"Ok, well I'm Emma." I trail off, rocking on the balls of my feet. Spencer smiles and Ryder just looks at me boredly.

"So uh, we need to take you to our Alpha." Spencer says. I nod and begun limp towards him, my ankle begins to Throb until I can't bear it and my knees buckle, causing me to fall forward.

"Spencer you carry her, at this rate we won't get to the pack house before Christmas." Ryder grumbles and continues walking forward, his hands in his pockets.

Spencer frowns and crouches next to me. He goes to pick me up and when his finger makes contact with my shoulder a zap shudders through me. I look at Spencer, confused while his eyes are wide and a huge smile is plastered on his face. He shakes his head and picks me up running to catch up with Ryder.

We eventually make it to their pack house, and Spencer carries me inside, and sits me on the couch.

"Hello cutie," A young boy comes in and stands at the door, eyeing me. Spencer's head snaps to the boy, his eyes flashing bright yellow.

The next word he says, is enough to make me faint.


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