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*not edited

I lay back onto Croys back, extremely tired. Clicking my fingers, a flame ignites on my pointer finger. I watch the flame in awe as it dances around my hand, waving my hand slightly sparks follow in a trail. I laugh lightly, before closing my hand into a fist and smothering the flame.

"Where exactly are we going?" I hear Jolie call over.

"We are going to Jujar Lake, there's a cave there that will take us to my homeland. We will be safe there" Croydon says, his words making his body vibrate slightly.

"Jujar Lake? But that's at least a 20 hour flight from the cave!" Liza shouts from behind. Spencer looks over at me from Spinn, giving me a soft smile. I grin back.

"We will get there before night-" I stop short as Croy jerks below me, a sudden pain in my right leg makes me cry out, I look at my leg and see there is nothing there. Croy jerks below me again and I yell as the same pain occurs on my other leg. Croydon roars in fury, the action shaking his body to the point where I would of fallen off if i hadn't of been holding on. He reaches his neck down and grabs something from both of his legs and throws them back to me. I catch and see that they are arrows. Turning them over in my hand I drop them down to the ground once I see the familiar 'HC' engraving. I grab Croydon's horns and pull back, pulling the large dragon to a quick stop. Everyone else stops and 7 dragons just hover for a while.

"It's the High Council, they've found us," I yell to everyone, my voice shaking slightly with fright.

"Everyone split up!" Croydon says, I agree with him. They are more than likely to target us as a group, where as if we split up they will have to pin point where we all are.

Everyone nod and with one flap they are all gone and it is just Croydon and I remaining.

"Ready to kick some butt?" I smirk down at him. He throws his head back slightly and laughs.

"Honey, I was born ready," I shake my head at him and give his neck a pat before standing and retrieving my bow. I steady myself of his back and notch my first arrow. I take a deep breath and look over the side of Croys body to the ground below, littered with High Council members mounted on Kiolates. Drawing the string back I aim for a female member at the front of the group. Releasing the string I silently pray that the kiolate doesn't get injured. The arrow buries itself in the woman's chest, her cry of pain is loud and high pitched.

Sitting, I allow Croydon to swoop down low. He opens his mouth and I can feel the air particles around us move as his body begins to glow a vibrant red, steam begins to rise from his nostrils and he spits a stream of white hot fire at the riders. I place a protection spell over the kiolates before drenching the riders with ice cold water. The sudden change in temperature instantly kills 10 more members. But once the ten are dead 20 more replace them. Armoured Kiolates ride in from the back of the herd to the front.

I gulp and pull Croydon away.

"There are so many of them," I whisper to him. I feel him nod.

"We must get to my homeland, My King will help, I'm sure of it." He replies. I agree and mind link Spencer.

Hey Babe? Meet at Jujar Lake, there's too many of them for Croy and I to handle

Okay. You aren't hurt?

I'm fine, see you there.

"I told Spencer where to go, he will round up the others.

With a single flap of his wings, Croydon lurches forward and we are in motion, speeding through the air at what I once thought was an unobtainable speed, at this rate we will be there in no time.

"Correct. Actually, we are here now." Croy says. I grumble.

"Get the hell out of my head to big oaf!" I say as I give him a small kick in the side. Croydon lands and a huge puff of dust flies up around us before settling back onto the ground.

"There others should be here soon," He says as I climb off his back. I massage my legs from the slight ache of riding Croydon, wincing when I try to walk. Croy rolls his eyes and I watch as for the second time since I met him I am surrounded by a pink mist before I am perfectly healed.

The flapping of wings alerts me to the arrival of the others, I look up to the sky as six large dragons descend to the earth.

Everyone appears unharmed which is a good thing.

"Right! Everyone ready to meet The King of Dragons? Also known as my father." Croydon says, now standing next to me in his human form.

Everyone nods excitedly. Croydon walks up to the cave and picks up a single rock laying on the ground before placing it back down and standing on it. There is a loud creak and suddenly the floor in front of him disappears and a purple shimmering film lay there.

"Come on through!" Croydon smiles before jumping into the portal. Everyone jumps in after him and it leaves me on my own. Walking up to the edge of the portal I take a deep breath.

And jump.


Not happy with this chapter but it's something.

Sorry about the long wait guys, but I don't have an excuse this time.


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