Chapter Five: Arrangement....

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"You will marry me..." The words that left Theo's mouth came out more as a order than a question to the young lady standing in front of him. Akia did not know what to do; either she agree, become queen and hated by the kingdom or disagree, stay as a personal servant for the princess, marry another and not hated by the kingdom.

Option two would be the perfect choice. But the thoughts of marry another man made Akia sick to her stomach. Deep down she wanted Theo to be hers and she'll be his forever.

The kingdom would be ruined. Not only by Spain's rage, but by the villagers that expects a proper queen...

Akia shook her thoughts away then sighed. "No." She took a step back, waiting for the wrath from her king.

Instead of his wrath, he stood there heartbroken. "Well, as you wish then." With that, King Theo walked out the corridor and back to the ball.

Minutes later Akia walked out the corridor and back to the ball. "Excuse me miss." A deep but gentle voice said, making Akia turn to her left to see a tall, strong man with green eyes and sandy blonde hair. "Would you dance with me?"

Akia wanted to say no, but from the corner of her eye she see Fran and the others eyeing the two from afar. "Y-yes." She put her hand over his soft and warm hand before he lead her to the middle of the room.

"I am Harold, the lead council member son and Harriet's brother." He introduced.

"Akia... I am Akia."

The next morning, Akia walked into Princess Fran chambers tired and worried. All night, Akia was up thinking about the king and the way he brushed off Akia's answer so quickly. She was mostly expecting him yelling and his anger, but instead she received a nonchalant response and his back disappearing.

"Why so down?" Fran asked as she walked to her flowers with a kettle of warm water in her hand.

Akia sighed then put on a fake smile. "I was thinking about my family, but I'm fine. They are fine and well. Do you need help with your corset, Princess Fran?"

After watering her lovely plants, Fran finally answered Akia's question. "Usually Anna does my corset, but she has not arrived. So yes, I do need assistance. Akia, make it tight Prince John is visiting and I do not want him to see my huge waist."

Akia nod and did what she promised by tightening the corset around Fran's already small waist. Afterwards Akia assisted Fran with her dress and jewelry.

"Thank you Akia. You are such great help."

"You are surly welcomed, Princess Fran." Akia bowed in respect.

"Usually Harriet would gather Anna from her chambers since Anna's room is not facing the sun, but she is with her father. Can you retrieve Anna for me, please?"

"Of course, Princess Fran."

Akia's footsteps could only be heard in the small empty corridor. Everyone was either in the kitchen, eating breakfast or cleaning this morning. Now thinking that, it is quite odd for Anna to still be in bed.

"I hope she is not ill." Akia said to herself before lightly knocking on the wooden door. "Anna."

There was no answer on the other side of the door. It instantly made Akia worried. "Anna. Are you there?" The door creaked open, allowing Akia to see Anna's sleeping body snuggled under the covers. She set her hand on Anna's arm, making Anna steer and flutter her eyes open.

"Akia? Wh- What are you doing here?"

"Princess Fran has sent for you."

Anna looked around and slowly sits up on her full sized bed. Akia gasped once she saw red marks on her neck and chest. Anna immediately pulled the covers up to her neck. "Please do not tell. I have been sinful." Anna admits.

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