Chapter Eleven: Whispers...

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Whispers echoed through the kitchen, dining rooms, halls and chambers about the King and the kingdom's new queen are officially married. The deed was done, now the birthing of the child awaits.

Akia walked through the halls that held those whispers. She held every fiber in her body, so she would not shear a tear nor cursed the servants for speaking about her husband. Of course, Akia can admit that she was jealous. The whispers certainly did not hold rumors, nor lies about the bonding of the king and queen's marriage.

The sheets holds the truth..The council men said in his short speech about the future of the kingdom, now that Spaniards and the English are allies. Every one in the castle gathered in the ball room to hear the short speech.

But did the sheets hold their love or Theo's bleeding heart.? Akia thought.

"Akia, are you okay?" Harriet whispered.

Akia adverts her eyes from the white blood stained sheets the councilman was holding up in front of him as her wore a large smile. "My stomach is..." Akia paused.

"Oh, you must be hungry or you hate seeing blood. I swear, I never get these speeches. I think it's very unnecessary." Harriet stated with a small smile on her face.

Akia did not put a effort into forming a smile, instead a frown played on her face. "I-I'm not feeling well, please tell princess Fran I am sorry."

Harriet looked down at Akia with a concerned look. "Oh, okay. I will bring you soup tonight."

Akia nod. "Thank you." She turned towards the other end of the crowd and walked through the eager bodies that waited years of hearing the speech about the King taking a Queen.

Whispers did not echo through the halls, instead the sound of her flat shoes was faint. One of the doors in the hall creaked open and a young beautiful woman walked out her chambers.
"Akia?" Anna said in surprise. "When did you return?" She stepped to Akia once she slowed down her walking.

"Yesterday. How are you feeling?" Akia looked over Anna, to see her skin was slightly pale and her waist was thinner than before Akia left for France. Anna's eyes was dull and almost lifeless. She looked frail, weak... Unwell.

"Oh." Anna shrugged her shoulders. "For the past week I had a small cold, nothing to worry about. Are you okay? You look down."

More than down. Akia wanted to say, but instead she said. "I'm fine, just miss my bed. If you would excuse me."

"Oh my- well I'll see you tomorrow morning, I hope." Anna added a faint chuckle that soon turned into a dying cough, that made Akia worry even more. "I am fine." Anna said before Akia could. "I must leave." Without getting a chance to exchange any more words, Anna walked past Akia and disappeared around the illuminating corner.

With a sigh, Akia continued towards her bed room that was only two doors down. Akia walked into her bright room. Wanting to be in the dark; Akia immediately closed the thick violet curtains.

"Being in the dark is bad for your eyes." The same deep voice she always hear, was like a sweet harmony. Theo stacked wood in the fire place and light a match before throwing that in to the small pile of wood that made a big enough fire to warm his cold skin.

Akia turned to see her husband standing by the fire place. She said the first thing that popped in her head. "Why are you here?"

"It's obvious that I wanted to see you." Theo voice was calm and low.

"Your queen, she must be looking for you." Akia slowly walked towards him. It only took five slow strides to stand directly in front of him; considering that her room was small.

"My queen is standing in front of me." His large hands found her covered shoulders. "I missed you terribly."

Akia scoffed in response.

Theo raised a eyebrow. "You do not miss me?"

"I do. But seeing the sheets, it seem like you did not miss me."

"Sheets?" Confusion over whelmed his face quickly. "What sheets?"

"The sheets the councilman held. The one from your chambers that has blood stains." Akia said, which made Theo even more confused.

"Bloodstains? Sheets? Councilman? What the bloody hell are you talking about woman? There was no blood on my sheets, no councilman nor anyone came into my chambers to retrieve the sheets and even if they did, than there will be no blood."

"That means Sophia laid with another before marriage." Akia mumbled. "Then where did the white sheets come from?"

"I have no idea. The Spaniards must of knew and used another's bloodstained sheets."

"That's awful and they- she's a liar. Princesses are supposed to be pure and have their virtue." Akia stated. "She lied to everyone, even her own father."

"How do you know?" Theo asked.


"How do you know her father does not know? He was really eager to marry me off to his daughter very soon." Theo sighed. "Either way, we can not do anything now."

Akia huffed. "And why not?"

"Akia, it's too late to prove that she was not a virgin before we bonded. I'm sorry, but we can not do anything unless she commits adultery."

"Like you are." Saying that was like a kick to the face. Theo mouth gapped open, like he was going to say something but he immediately closed it. "Is your heart still with me?" She asked, before placing her warm hand on Theo's left side of his chest where his heart is. "Is it still beating, for me?"

Theo placed both of his hands on top of her's. "Of course my love. My heart still beats for you, until I die."

Die... That word made Akia suck in a deep breath. "Same as mine. My heart will always beat for you. My soul is yours, even in the after life."

"Even in the afterlife." Theo repeated the words, before leaning in to capture Akia lips. Theo moved Akia to her bed before pulling her dress up to see her lace under garments that Martha sewed for her. Akia laid back and allowed Theo to take her.

Her back arched off the mattress. Moans escaped her lips as Theo thrusted in and out of her hard and deep. "Fuck." He grunted.

"Yes Theo, take me." Akia moaned. "Yes yes yes." She chanted with every thrust. Her grip on his shirt made it rip a part and show his toned abs that was naturally given to him. "Theo, I lo-"

The wooden door burst open, making the couple gasp in shock and quickly move away from each other like both of them had the plague. Akia immediately sat up to look at the intruder, whom was no other than Anna.
"Anna." Akia said as she looked Anna over. She looked worse than before. Anna's eyes was lifeless, her skin was extremely pale like a ghost, her body was weak.

"Help." The word came out like a whisper, before letting her frail body hit the concrete ground.

Akia hopped to her feet and ran to Anna's aid by putting her head on her lap and telling Theo to get some help. "Anna, open your eyes." She shook the ill woman's shoulders.

"D-Dan..." Anna's eyes fluttered open to look up at Akia. "Daniel..." Once again her eyes closed. Blood dripped down Anna's nose and ears.

"Daniel? Who's Daniel? Anna!" Akia shook Anna's weak body, so she can stay awake. But it was too late, everything was too late.

Anna was no longer with them and Akia had a thought in her mind that Anna's death was not caused by a disease, but more like someone killed her on purpose..

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