Chapter Twelve: Cold Green Eyes....

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Theo sat on his throne with his leg dangling to the side and his hand propping his head up. He was bored and tired of hearing the old council men talking about finances and boat loads of servants from the Philippines coming in that night. He wanted to sleep by his wife; the woman he truly love, not the wife he was forced to lay with.

"Brother," after long hours of sitting and hearing old men talk, George finally stood to his feet and making Theo open his ears. "The Portuguese has twice the amount of ships we have and fifty more men. We are out numbered and out of weapons," George informed.

Theo sat straight up in the chair, with both feet on the ground, his head up and back straight; Theo gave off confidence and pride, like a true king. "Out numbered?" He scoffed. "Not for long. After Fran marriage, the French will be by our side. Which will make us have three times the men, ships and weapons to defeat the bloody Portuguese."

George sighed. "The wedding is in another month. The French pushed it back. The Portuguese is only two weeks away, by then we will not have enough and we will lose the war."

Theo soon slouched back in his chair with a huff as he rubbed his chin stubs. "Why did anyone not inform me about this!?" He looked around at the crowding old men. "Huh? Is you all tongues chopped off? Why isn't anyone giving me a explanation?!"

A older man; the oldest of them all stood on his feet. He took a deep breath before answering. "Your majesty, we did not want to upset you on you and the queens night."

"Two days ago!" Theo yelled. "You men have know for two days! Two days without giving me this valuable information!"

"Your majesty-"

"Out!" Theo ordered before standing on his feet. "Leave my brother and I to talk."

Quickly, everyone gather their documents and left as quickly as their old bodies can let them. Once the main doors closed; leaving the two brothers to themselves, Theo stepped down from his throne with his hands behind his back.

"I've heard about the servant," George said. "Her death was not a coincidence."

"No?" Theo stood only a few inches from his little brother.

"No, I spoke with the grand measter. He told me the servants blood was traced with Aconite; a deadly toxin that kills a person very slowly."

"How slowly?"

George shrugged his shoulders. "It takes four to three days for a person to die."

"I was gone for more than three days, so it does not deal with me?" Or Akia? Theo wanted to add, but kept his mouth shut.

"We do not know brother," George quickly sweeper his long, shaggy black hair out of his cold green eyes. George has changed, Theo noticed from the beginning when he came back from France. His little brother was quieter and stood in the back without making any complaints. He look innocent and sound comforting, but his eyes looked evil, cold and went for years of trauma.

"Brother," this time Theo sounds comforting. "Are you, all right? Your eyes-"

"What about my eyes?"

"It looks...Cold."

George scoffed. "Cold?"

"Yes. What happened when I was gone?" Theo asked.

George sighed. "Another servant- I mean my-"

"Lover?" From the look of George face, Theo knew he was not the only one that loves a woman that was not royalty in ranks nor family, but royalty at heart and beauty.

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