Chapter Twenty-Seven: Cherish...

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Akia sighed before sipping her tea. The birds chirped while the fountain spurts water. "How's France?" Akia asked as she set the tea cup down on the white and blue saucer.

Fran did the same not before smiling. "Entertaining. I'm still learning how to speak their language, even though it's been a year and a half. It's great."

Akia nod. "That's great. Julian? Is he a active little thing?" Akia asked, referring to her one year old nephew.

Fran smile decreased. "He's active. Akia are you going to be okay? I mean you're holding up, how long has it been since- since the ball?"

Akia sighed once more. "Thirty nights, thirty-one days. I'm holding up, Theo and I are trying to find him."

"That's good. I do want to see my nephew again." Fran stated with a smile. But her smile dropped once more when her own beautiful child started to tug on her white and gold dress.

"Mommy," Julian called for his mother's attention that she is not giving towards him.

Fran sighed and looked down at the blue eyes, dirty blonde hair and peach skin boy. "Yes Julian, mommy is having a conversation."

"Play," Julian tugged on his mother's dress some more.

"Mommy will play with you later, right now I'm busy. Scarlet!" Fran called out for her lady. Immediately a woman with hazel eyes and brown hair stepped to Fran's aid by taking Julian out of her way. The action made Akia's heart ache.

"That easy," Akia mumbled to herself.

Fran looked at her with a questionable look. "Did you say something, Akia?"

Akia took a sip of her now cold tea before placing it back on the saucer. "I was saying, cherish the ones you love. You do not know when they'll disappear."

Fran mouth gaps open as she did not know what to say to that. Instead of sipping her tea, Fran turned in her chair to call out for Scarlet to bring Julian back. The little boy formed a smile when he was placed in his mother's lap.

Later that day, Akia stripped down and changed into her night gown; getting ready for a early night rest. She walked towards the table and poured herself some water and picked up the brown glass bottle that holds the sleep mixture. Debating rather to take it or not, Akia opened the bottle and smells the sweet scent of apples before pouring the liquid into the cup of water. Instead of doing Theo's theory, Akia poured the whole glass of mixture into the water instead of half.

Akia quickly gulps down the water before getting into bed. Immediately when her head hits the pillow, she's in deep slumber.

It didn't take long when Akia jolted upfront her slumber in sweat and tears in her eyes. Another nightmare but this time it felt real, which made Akia shiver.

"Another nightmare I presume," Theo voice echoed off the walls as he walked in just in time. He closed the door and walked towards his wife. "You didn't try half of the bottle," he stated with a sigh.

Akia wiped her sweat away with her sleeves. "Half of the bottle doesn't put me to sleep as quickly."

Theo sat on the edge of the bed near her body. "You rather have nightmares?"

Akia slowly nod her head yes. "It keeps me motivated to find him. If I don't have the nightmares, than I lose all my memories of him."

Theo shook his head in disbelief, he pulled Akia on his lap in a comforting way. "You won't lose your memory of him. A mother never forgets their children."

Akia rested her head on his shoulder. "I hope children don't forget their mother."

Akia walked into the temple to lay eyes on the high priestess who was lighting the candles. She cleared her throat once she was close enough to talk to him. "High priestess, sorry to disturb you during this time. It seem like this is the only good time to speak to you."

The priest turn around towards his queen. "Oh, your majesty. What can I do for you? Are you here for a blessing? It has been awhile."

"Well I wanted to talk to you about the church."

The priest blew out the match before setting it down. "Okay, please sit." He gestured to the seats behind Akia.
The both of them took a seat next to each other.

"A few of the people told me that you do indulgence in your church. Is that true?" Akia asked, not bothering to ease into the conversation. "If it is, then you should know it's not right to do that."

The priest chuckled. "Oh my queen, you have much to learn about our culture. I'm sure back in- where are you from?"

Akia took a deep breath. "Angola, where our culture is mainly the same as yours. But we do not pay our way into heaven."

"But your people does create sin. For example, you-"

"Me?" Akia said in disbelief. "Tell me high priestess, what sin have I've committed?"

"Well, your relationship with the king when he was married to the Spaniard Princess. You was his mistress."

Akia shook her head in disagreement. "You have it all wrong priest. Sophia was the mistress, I was his wife. Your king and I took our vows days before them. Is there any other sins I was accused of committing?"
As Akia waited for more false theories, she stood on her feet and rubbed invisible dirt off of her dress. "I guess not. Enough with the indulgence, the people angry and soon enough they'll get together and go against the church. This conversation was more of a kind warning." Akia sighed. "Have a good day." With that, Akia walked out the temple with her head held high.

Akia stepped inside her carriage with a sigh as the doors closed behind her.

"Great, I thought we'll never leave this church." A familiar voice that sent shivers down Akia's spine said.

Akia turned her head to the side to see the old blind lady sitting next to her. "I don't know if I should scream or kick you out of my carriage."

"Or do nothing. Besides you've the one who's been calling out for me, in your nightmares." The woman stated. "Where's Quintella? You don't trust her enough to have her around? Of course you don't, you don't trust anyone anymore. Not even your own husband."

Akia huffed. "You're just a witch, you speak only lies."

The blind woman turned her head towards Akia, letting her cloudy eyes wonder over her face. "Lies? I did not speak lie when I told you about Chander whom still misses you. A child never forgets their mother."

Akia eyes widened from the phrase. "Leave, you're no good. You're evil, a witch, the devil."

The blind woman laughed. "Oh sweet heart, I'm just a blind woman who gives help to the ones who seek it."

The carriage suddenly stops and the doors opened, making Akia look away from the blind lady to see that they're in front of the castle entrance. When Akia turn her head to the right, the old lady was gone. Confusion was plastered all over Akia's face.

"Your majesty, are you okay?" The man that opened the doors asked.

Akia turned to him and nod. "Y-yes. I'm just fine." She lied through her teeth; knowing that she's not fine, she was losing her mind and patience.

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