Resident Evil Chapter 5

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"I'm missing you already"

Once Spence closed the door, and shot the lock for extra measure, he sprinted down the hallways and left the trio to their death.

Matt ran at the door, trying to push the lever but it was no use; the door was stuck.

"Your boyfriend's a real asshole" Rain coughed.

Aurora would have laughed if the pain wasn't so bad. Asshole wasn't a good enough to describe the slimy bastard.

Alice ripped Spence jacket off her, and angrily tossed it into the water. After a moment of blind rage, she looked down at Aurora who was heavily breathing as she shakily stood.

"Jesus" Alice gasped, "Are you okay?" She grabbed the woman's arm, and helped her stand.

Aurora glanced down at her hand that was holding the bloody wound. It hurt like a bitch, but it didn't hurt as much as getting shot should have. "I'll be fine" She reassured the woman, "I could have shot him!" Aurora groaned, "Was the gun empty this entire time?"

"You need to sit down" Alice eyed the profusely bleeding wound, "You're... you're bleeding pretty badly"

Aurora took a few deep breaths, feeling the bullet start to dissolve and the wound start to heal. "I'm fine" She insisted, "It's not as bad as it looks" She promised.

A beat of silence followed, the sound of Rain's heavy breathing almost too loud as all the hope drained out of Aurora.

It's official. She told herself. I'm going to die, stuck in the Hive I created with the creations I built coming after me. Aurora ruefully shook her head. My own personal hell. Karma's a bitch.

"He shot the locking mechanism" Matt finally announced after struggling with the door, I can't believe he's going to get away with this"

An aggravated noise growled from the back of Aurora's throat. "We're stuck down here, and you're worried about him getting away with it? What the hell's wrong with you, man?"

Before Matt had the chance to jump down her throat like he had wanted to, the monitor in the corner of the room flashed on and the Red Queen's robotic voice startled them.

"But he isn't going to get away with it" Said the amused, child-like voice

They all turned to the monitor, had she been observing them the entire time?

"I've been a bad, bad girl" She giggled. An eerie sound that made Aurora shiver. The British voice made everything she said sound haunting.

The monitor flashed, and it showed a monstrous thing. It's brain sticking out, and it's long tongue slithering. It was one of those Lickers at Wesker talked about, but it different then what she remembered. When the licker moved from the camera, it showed Spence's body lying on the floor, his body had been ripped apart and there was blood everywhere. It made Aurora's skin crawl, that bastard was dead but the Licker had mutated at the taste of fresh blood.

It was even more powerful now, and Aurora knew it was hunting them.

Rain choked, looking away from the screen while the other three couldn't look away from the horror.

"The fuck was that?" Matt whispered

Aurora's shoulder's slump "They called it a Licker, for obvious reasons. They're normally pretty powerful, but they become near impossible to kill when they've tasted blood, fresh blood usually" Aurora hugged herself, and shook her head dejectedly.

Alice spared a glance at Aurora and found the woman looking like she was about to fall over. Aurora's sudden shift in assurance made Alice feel decidedly less calm about the situation.

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