Resident Evil Afterlife Chapter 6

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(Alice/Aurora 5ever. Can I ship my own characters? We need ship names. This is a serious fandom, guys. 

In all seriousness, thank you for sticking with me. This chapter was a pain to write, and then my computer lost all my work, like three times. So, I hope you like it. Leave your thoughts! I love comments! I'll probably comment back.

Fan. Vote. Comment, and Enjoy!)


Aurora's crystal eyes narrowed at the man in front of her. She wasn't going to believe this, this was just the cherry on top of all the shitty situations. Fuck, some celestial being really enjoys fucking with me. 

Chris's features had softened as he starred at Aurora, reaching a hand to touch her scarred face. Was she real? Or had he finally lost his mind?

However, halfway Aurora grabbed his wrist from touching her"Don't touch me"She warned darkly"I'll snap it like a fucking twig"She saw red, suddenly. She could kill him so quickly, nobody would blink before he was dead. He didn't matter, just more dead weight, more useless emotions. Pain, more pain. 

"Know each other?"Bennett cut through the tension with a sarcastic tone. This was all getting to be a bit much, even for the world they lived in. 

Aurora turned away, letting Chris go with a small push"Of course not. I just like my personal space"She mocked 

Chris stepped back, keeping his eyes trained on Aurora. This wasn't the woman that he remembered. This was a dark, twisted version of her. Scars wrapped around her face, and ran down her shirt, what had happened to her? Why was she wearing the prison jumpsuit and limping? Was she the friend that didn't make it? No, that didn't make sense, but her eyes... her eyes had glowed like one of the infected.

Nothing made sense. 

"Hey Claire?"Subtle was never Aurora's strong point"Meet your brother"She also secretly enjoyed causing turmoil. 

A few shocked gasps made Aurora laugh lightly. Who could be surprised anymore, after all the shit that went down? Alice let out a heavy sigh, and an obnoxious groan came from Bennett. Aurora smirked, finding the situation much more amusing then it should have been. 

Turn this small group upside down? Mission accomplished. It was an accomplishment Aurora wasn't sure if she should be proud of or not. 

The caged man turned his attention away from Aurora and to the red head standing behind her, who was glaring something deadly at him. Claire didn't like the way he was starring at Aurora and herself, like a kicked puppy or something. This was her brother? No, right now he was a stranger that was dangerous. 

"You'll have to excuse the interesting turn of events"Aurora chuckled snidely, her tone turning icy"Those things tend to happen around Alice and myself"She turned on her heel, back to Chris and raised an eyebrow. He winced at the scars lifting on her face"If you have a way to get us out, you'd better tell us quickly, Mr. Redfield"And it wasn't a suggestion, it was a demand. 


Aurora would not ask for help. She was too stubborn, and her pride was officially blown to pieces from needing aid to walk. She wasn't going to admit it to Alice, even though Alice could already see through her, and she wasn't going to let herself look weak after building herself as the demanding badass leader in front of the group. 

But to be honest, she was starting to regret not taking up Alice or Claire for help. Every time she took a step, she could feel her insides shift a little more. What she really needed was a rest, to lay down and let herself heal but that wasn't an option. They needed to leave, and they needed to leave quickly.

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