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    Audrey applied lotion ignoring her cousin's constant rant. " you a fucking dumbass. How you going to meet up with the bitch who was supposed to be your bestfriend that fucked YOUR nigga for TWO CONSECUTIVE YEARS. You're doing so good Audrey don't fuck this up for yourself" Mari was beyond heated at the fact that her cousin was being so forgiving towards someone who betrayed her. Jaterria her ex bestfriend who now date Chevy called Audrey earlier that morning wanting to talk things out. She claimed she didn't like the fact that there was so much bad blood between them.

" I'm a grown ass woman Mari and I make my own decisions. Maybe this could bring the closure I need what more could I fucking lose. I lost my man , bestfriend , and baby all in one night. I at least owe myself this" Audrey said getting slightly upset with the way my cousin was carrying on. So much had went down since that night months ago.

She felt like she was being judged when no one understood why this was so important to her. She was completely ready to leave this chapter in her life alone for good. Wrapping her hand around her necklace she closed her eyes speaking to it "I promise to you that I'm not going to put hands on her" Audrey mumbled..

Mari rolled her eyes " ok come on because I'm going and that's final. If she get out of line you ain't gone have to touch the bitch I'm going to do it for you". Audrey ignored her cousin grabbing her keys. She was just ready to get this over with and hope that no drama would come along with meeting up with her.

     Arriving at the coffee shop she inhaled deeply before getting out of the car. Walking in she instantly spotted Jaterria. Mari rolled her eyes as Audrey stared at her intensely. She knew her cousin wanted privacy so she picked an empty table and pulled out her phone pretending to be occupied.

"Hi Audrey" Jaterria lowly spoke as she sat down. She couldn't help but to admire how gorgeous her ex bestfriend looked. She'd completely healed from the accident she was involved in months prior and she had a little glow about her. " You look goo— Girl get to the fucking point." Audrey cut her off holding up her hand.

"We didn't come here to have buddy buddy talk. I came for closure and that's it" she continued while mugging her. No way she thought they were having a friendly outing. She could spit on her right now.

" PERIODT!"  Mari yelled from across the shop. Audrey shot her a look slightly lowering her eyes before turning back to a slightly upset looking Jaterria. "Look i'm not mad at you anymore. In fact I've forgiven you and Chevy. Though I often wonder how did it happen and why to me." Audrey spoke again. Jaterria nodded her head before speaking.

" Honestly it wasn't supposed to go down like that. Two and a half years ago a little before I broke up with Justin I needed advice. I found out he cheated again and I instantly went to your house in tears ,but when I got there you weren't home. Chevy told me you were working a double. I was about to leave but he seen me in tears and plus it was raining so my clothes were soaked. He offered me a change of clothes and to talk. He was family so I took the opportunity. We started talking and I ended up crying harder. One thing led to another and we had sex. I felt so horrible afterwards so I left and didn't even realize I left my purse." she paused clearing her throat while looking everywhere but at Audrey.

"I wanted to go back and get it but I feared running into you. I couldn't look you in your eyes knowing I'd done some foul shit like that. So I texted Chevy and let him know to drop it off to my doorman the next day. Well he brought it but he requested to come up using my brother's name. When he entered he said we needed to talk. He told me not to tell you and to forget it happened. We stared arguing and the argument turned into sex. Next thing I know it was always sex. We would take every chance we got. I ended up breaking up with Justin once I started developing feelings for Chevy. I wanted to tell you on so many occasions but I couldn't fathom losing my bestfriend since diapers. We snuck around for two years before deciding to let you know and for that i'm so sorry" Jaterria spoke lowly keep her gaze elsewhere. She felt horrible but she loved Chevy and she wouldn't take it back if she could.

Audrey could feel her heart slightly sink as she spoke on what happened between her and Chevy. It felt like a stab wound. She couldn't process the hundreds of emotions that flood her mind.

She strongly resisted the urge to reach across the table. She gripped her cross necklace closing her eyes, remembering the promise she'd made to her deceased son. "For the simple fact that this has been eating at me I have to let you know this. Hold on please don't go anywhere" Jaterria spoke again. Audrey kept quiet as Jaterria got up and walked out. For some reason she just couldn't wrap her head around any of this. It didn't feel real. She couldn't believe it was happened to her.

"Audrey Candice isn't Justin's she's Chevy's" Audreys head snapped up hearing Jaterria's voice. Candi was now propped on her hip before she sat her at the table with them. She heard exactly what she said but there was no way. She felt sick as she looked into the one year old little girl's face. " w-what?" She choked out not able to take her eyes off the innocent child.

" That's why I stopped bringing her around once her features started to come in. She was starting to look more and more like him and I didn't want you to get suspicious. I'm not asking you to forgive me but please don't take it out on my child. She's innocent in all of this" Jaterria spoke. Audrey's heart dropped when she thought of all the nights she had kept the little girl. She had done so much for whom she thought to be her niece but she was actually chevy's daughter.

At this point Mari got up coming over to the table. " I can't put hands on you in front of your child but I am going to let you know how much of a nasty trifling hoe you is. How the fuck you have a whole ass child by your bestfriend's man and don't fucking tell her? How you smile in her face for two fucking years and don't tell her you fucking her man in her house. In her bed. Eating her food. and everything else. See bitches like you don't last long. Now what if she would've had aids and passed it onto Chevy? Then your dumbass would have caught it and ruined your life because you want to sneak dick and shit. She cried to you over this man. Confessed her dreams she wanted with this man to you and not one time did you come clean to her. I see through this bullshit. You didn't come to apologize you came to further damage her thoughts about Chevy so if the opportunity ever presented itself she wouldn't take him back. Bitch get the fuck out of here  you ain't got to never worry about that" Mari yelled getting dangerously close to her.

"and Yea we clearly can tell that's Chevy's little girl with them cross ass eyes and thin ass hair she got. Audrey let's fucking go" She continued before standing back waiting on Jaterria to make a move. Audrey's eyes widened as she choked down a laugh. She knew her cousin was listening but she didn't know she was going to say something. Especially about the baby. She was innocent. " Mari It's ok" she said shaking my head.

"No. hell no fuck this bitch and this raggedy ass bab-" Audrey jumped up covering her cousin mouth. She couldn't let her talk about a baby regardless of the situation. "Wait til I drop this baby bitch I want your head" Jaterria spoke towards Mari. Both Audrey and her cousin's eyes dropped to her stomach and she indeed had a small pudge.

"Man what the fuck let's go Audrey before I kill this bitch in here pregnant or not. Sick pussy hoe i can't believe this shit." Mari scoffed in disbelief. Once upon a time the two were close as well seeing as Mari and Audrey were extremely close.

Audrey sat still grabbing her cross necklace again. "Mommy is so sorry baby but this one promise I got to break" She spoke quickly before pulling her hand back and slapping Jaterria as hard as she could. She felt satisfied watching her fallout the chair. By standers hurried to her and tried to help her off the floor as Audrey spit on her and grabbed her purse leaving out with her cousin.

" Now Audrey you know you wrong she pregnant" Mari joked and laughed as she pulled off. That's exactly what she wanted to happen. Shrugging her shoulder Audrey flicked on her signal light " Girl fuck her, them kids and Chevy" she mumbled before cutting up her music.


I'm sorry but mari is one of my fav characters.

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