Scene 11

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That is the only word that fits this atmosphere right now. Max was seated next to me outside in the backyard where we all had a barbecue. 

"Tell me Max, what are your plans for the future?" My dad asked.

"I'll take over my mom's business." Max answered meeting my dad's gaze.

"And what may that be?" Dad was on a roll with his deadly sweet looks.

"The theater." 

And this is where I choked on my salad. I never knew Max's mom was Mrs. Duboa. That lady scared everybody but had grown to like me for some reason. So I guess this is a positive thing... Right?

"Well that's nice." My dad said and silence fell. "What about you Seraphina? What was this scholarship you were talking about earlier?"

Ugh... Why did you ask me this now? 

"Um, can I maybe tell you about this later?" I asked, hoping he would say yes.

"No, I wish to know now." He was serious.

I looked around the table pleading with everyone to save me, but I only got pity looks. Even from uncle Caster. I sighed defeated and took a deep breath opening my mouth to answer.

"I'm getting married." Charles suddenly spoke up and my mouth hanged.

Along with uncle Caster's. I am so happy he dropped the bomb right now, but at the same time confused as to the fact that he even had a girlfriend. Like good going cousin.

"M-M-Married?!" Uncle Caster screamed.

Even Max flinched. Now is the time to be dead quiet, or you'll end up being yelled at for holding a fork. Uncle Caster turned white as a chalk. Now is the time to be scared my friends.

"Charles." Uncle Caster began and we all pulled back. I even had to drag Sage away from the food. "When were you planing on telling us?" Oh crap his eye was twitching.

"A week before the wedding, but I figured you'd want to know sooner." He smiled.

Charles, you are the only person alive who isn't afraid of uncle Caster.

"And who is this lucky lady?" Uncle Caster gave up.

Leave it to Charles to save my ass and his at the same time. But right now, at the mention of the lucky lady, sweat started dripping down his forehead. Oh my god I totally forgot he's still in the closet! And so did he!

"Well his name is Andrew and he works with me. By the way dad and uncle Derek, and the rest of you people... I am gay." Charles said with a sigh and my eyes teared up.

I made him do something he didn't want to. I made him confess his biggest secret ever.

"What?!" Everybody yelled and I swallowed my fear to save my cousin's ass just as he saved mine.

"I got offered a scholarship for Russia!" I yelled out, earning a gasp from Sage, surprised look from Seth and one hell of a hurt look from Max.

"What?!" Dad yelled at the top of his lungs.

Well, this is turning hectic.


"Thanks Derek, this was an eventful night." One of dad's friends said. "Have a nice weekend."

Oh we'll have one. If I survive it that is. Uncle Caster left with Charles who hugged me for an hour or so goodbye thanking me for saving his ass just as I cried into his shoulder and apologized twelve times like a little kid. Not to mention Max left in a hurry soon after I blurted out about Russia. 

"Have a safe trip home guys!" I waved to everybody as dad oh so kindly closed the door. "Well... See ya!"

I made a run for the stairs but dad blocked the way. Curse his speed.

"Seraphina, take a seat on the sofa. Boys, you can go." Dad said, dragging me into the living room.

Seth and Sage stood up and left the room a bit slowly. They looked like two ghosts floating around, not really looking where they are going and Sage walked into the wall. The sound he made when he hit the wall was loud and seemed to wake him up. Without another word he left for the stairs and disappeared after Seth.

I sat down on the sofa and crossed my legs under me. Dad took a seat on the opposite side of me on the other sofa and cleared his throat.

"Want to tell me what happened?" He asked.

"After the show today a man approached me with a bouquet of flowers and a letter." I showed him the unopened letter. "He said his name was Ivan Petrovski, the famous ballet dancer. He is a mentor in Vaganova Academy of Russian ballet. Dad you know it's my dream to study there." 

He said nothing and just kept on staring at his hands.

"Anyways, he told me he would love to be my mentor. He gave me his card to call him if I accept the offer but I didn't say anything..." I looked at him and actually began pleading with my eyes. "Please let me study there."

"Give me the letter." Dad said and I handed him the white envelope.

He opened it with ease and read over the white paper fast. I know this is hard for him, to let his only daughter go alone into an unknown country is risky. I don't want to end up getting kidnapped or even worse, murdered.

"So you would have to pass an audition?" He asked and I nodded. "Are you willing to be accompanied by your brothers? I will only let you go and do this if your brothers live with you."

"But what if I end up in a dorm?" I asked him.

"Don't worry. I have friends even in Saint Petersburg." He winked and my heart warmed up. "I'm sure you guys won't have anything against it."

"Of course not!" The twins yelled out, behind me.

They were hiding behind the sofa this whole time?

"Next time, tell me up front if you have something this big. Kid, your my only daughter. I will make your wishes come true as much as it is in my power." Dad said and I smiled. "But I have one more question."

I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Are you sure you are willing to give up that boy for your dreams?"

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