Scene 15

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"Your so pretty." A little girl told me as she held my hand. "I want to be like you when I grow up."

"I'm sure you will be prettier than me." I smiled at her as she handed me a bouquet of flowers.

Yey more roses! I have a feeling I'll be drowning in roses tonight. Or at least would make my brothers drown in a colorful array of flowers. Max stood behind me with a smile on his face. It was so contagious that even I was smiling at Ivy of all people! 

"You look wow..." Ivy said gaping like a fish. "And you've grown in those departments like wow."

I felt someone's hand around my shoulder and a muscular body next to mine. I felt tickling on my bare shoulders and cheek and I couldn't keep in the giggle that surfaced from me. Max placed his head in the crook of my neck and smirked when he felt a shudder go through me.

"Ivy, I will only tell you this once." Max began, tickling me with the movement of his mouth. "Seraphina is my queen, not your toy. Back off fuck boy."

Is it wrong that I find this hot right now? 

"Mister, I want to take a picture with the swan." A small boy tugged on Max's dress pants. "Can you move?"

"Ah, Johnathan!" The boy's mother yelled out.

By the way, did I mention that Max is wearing a full blown suit with a tie and his hair is actually tied into a loose pony tail by a ribbon? No? I must have been drooling over it too much to say it.

"It's okay. I am hogging the swan aren't I?" Max smiled at the boy and I swear the boy's mother started fanning herself. "Do you want me to take the picture?"

"Yes, so that mommy can stand by me!" The boy smiled and the mother did as well.

"Ivy, we will continue this talk later." Max said with so much as a threatening smile towards him. "Smile."

Max, I can only tell you this. You may be the first boy to get approved by my father.


Who knew it would snow today?

Just as the whole picture taking scene finished and I went to change into the clothes I came in, which was a short dark blue dress with a pair of black heels and my long black coat, snow started slowly gliding across the sky and falling onto the ground.

I should hurry up. There's an after party which I need to attend.

"Is the famous Seraphina Morgan wearing a dress?" I turned to spot Paul, also in a suit.

"I could as you the same thing Paul, you clean up nice." I smiled as I hugged him.

Believe it or not, Paul is actually friends with the twins again. I guess their brains went back up to their heads from their asses. 

"So, are Seth and Sage also wearing suits?" He asked, walking with me towards the doors.

"Yup... It's weird actually." I said with a slight smile. "Ever since we moved to Russia and opened up this new world of ballet and sophistication they matured. I haven't had a real fight with Sage for quite some time."

"Smooth." Paul laughed. "Still can't believe it though."

"I know." I answered.

The two of us walked outside to a black limo and I sighed. Why did they need to spoil me? I'm not a child that enjoys riches, I like the simple life in which I actually have to work. Then I feel alive. If I worked for it and truly earned it.

The driver walked out and opened the door for the two of us.

"Boris?" I asked stunned.

"Young lady." The driver nodded.

Boris was my driver, drinking partner and sometimes consultant in Russia. He was my go to man and the first person who became my friend. 

"Mr. Moon is waiting for you inside." He said and I could see the flicker of Max's blonde hair.

"See you at the party Sera." Paul gave me a hug and left for another car.

"Paul!" He turned to face me. "You did good to make up with those idiots. We really missed you in our life."

He smiled and left, while I kindly thanked Boris and got inside the limo. Max was casually sitting inside with a glass of champagne in his hand. I see life on the high foot is more his thing. 

"You know, I don't like it when you spend so much time with other men." He stated.

"I could say the same thing to you. You didn't even wait for me to change so we could walk together." I pouted and he chuckled, handing me a glass of champagne.

The car slowly started making it's way on the street as the conversation flowed in the back between Max and me. 

"By the way, I heard something interesting today." I said, as I sipped the frizzy drink.

"And what might that be?" He asked absentmindedly. 

"Oh, I don't exactly know future husband. Something about me being engaged to you." I said with a raised eyebrow.

Max chocked on his champagne and coughed a bit. I heard Boris snicker in the front and truth be told I wanted to join him. The blonde haired man took a napkin and wiped his mouth and tie, which got itself sprinkled with his saliva. God I am disgusting in this moment.

"It was my mother wasn't it?" He asked with a cold look on her face.

"Yeah. I had the same reaction as you. But mine involved getting pricked on a rose thorn." I showed him my finger which had a band-aid on it. "I didn't say yes or no to her question, because I'm not sure what we are currently Max. I just came back, left this place with a promise to be yours when I return, but I don't want to rush things. I love you Max, but marriage is too soon for me."

"Agreed." He said and I was shocked. "I promised you that one day I would propose to you properly, but I don't see that in the near future. I think we should go with steady, slow and firm steps. For now, I think we should look for a house of our own."

"What?" I asked astonished, confused and happy?

So many emotions went through my head that I felt as a small school girl experiencing her first crush. Which technically I am.

"So, I will just pop the question right now." He pulled out a small box and gave it to me. "I picked a nice two story house, with a large yard, a garden and my personal favorite dance studio attached to the house."

I opened the small box to find a pair of keys and a ballet flat key chain.

"Seraphina Morgan, will you move in with me?" He asked hopeful.


Now I am sure I found my match and that my future holds a lot of adventures for both of us. But I'm not so sure my brothers will like this. I mean seriously, being the triplet of two hot guys is tiring as hell.

The End

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