Scene 1

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"Seraphina Morgan! This is the last straw!" My mother yelled at me in the car. "Do you know how embarrassing it was for me?!"

"Nobody said you had to come..." I mumbled staring out the window.

Let me give you a quick explanation on what's happening. A few hours ago I hit the queen of the school in the face and broke her nose. I got sent to the principal's and well let's just say that my transfer papers are happy to see me. My dear mother over here is yelling at me 'cause it's the fifth school I got expelled from this month. She's yelled so loudly that the other people who are passing by or driving past us are giving me scared looks, while I'm staring boringly out my window.

She parked the car in front of our house and stormed in. She then came back with two suit cases and threw them in the trunk.

"I can't take it anymore! Your the same as your father!" She screamed. I looked blankly at the suit cases.

'Hey, aren't these MY suitcases?'

I turned to my mother who was now smiling?

"Your moving in with your father." She simply stated and got into the drivers seat.

I looked up in the sky and smirked. 'So there is a God...'

"Hey! Get your worthless ass in here!"

For once I listened to the She-Devil in the car and excitedly got in.

You see my mother and father are divorced. When I was two years old dad took my two older brothers and left me with the She-Devil. I call her that because dad only talks to me and ignores her, so she tends to make my life a living hell. He pays everything for me including my ballet sessions that mother neglects and calls me worthless. So moving in with him is like fucking awesome.

Mom started the car and went off at full speed.


After a five hour drive, mom pulled up at a mechanics that was filled with various bikes and cars. But mostly bikes. She hastily got out and pulled my bags out the trunk and dropped them by my feet. She then went further in leaving me in the middle of the road.

I picked up my stuff and moved aside so that I wouldn't get run over by something.

Soon two tall boys came my way and I smiled recognizing them. They both had shoulder length brown hair and big grey eyes. Their muscles were seen through the sleeveless shirts and their smile beamed with happiness.

"Sera!!!" One of them screamed. I instantly knew it was my older brother Sage. He ran towards me and bear hugged me like a maniac. I laughed when he picked me up and twirled me around.

"I missed you sooooo much!" He exclaimed.

"That's enough Sage." My other brother Seth pulled Sage by the ear and he put me down.

"I missed you both!" I said hugging them both.

"Oh Lord there is a female version of the Morgan twins!" Someone yelled from the gates.

I turned my head to see a blonde boy with a box in his hands. He was staring at us while Sage and Seth laughed.

"And Seth is laughing!" He said again, dropping the box he was holding.

"Zack meet our triplet Seraphina, Seraphina meet our annoying friend Zack Weldon." Seth said, clearing his throat in the process.

"Hi!" I said and Zack nodded.

He was still surprised by our resemblance. When we were smaller, we always got mixed up, even me who was clearly a girl. Even now when we're older we get mixed up a lot.

Zack came closer to me and inspected me from head to toe.

"Same hair color, same eye color, same face, same style, by the way love the shirt..." Zack said giving my ac/dc t-shirt a thumbs up. "...same posture, my God why didn't you tell me you had a triplet?!" Zack yelled at the two boys next to me.

"Must have slipped." Sage said scratching his head and thinking hard.

"Anyways Sera, what's up with the bags?" Sage asked.

"She-Devil kicked me out of the house 'cause I got expelled again." I said nonchalantly.

Their eyes widened and rage soon made it's way on their faces.

"I knew she was a bitch but to kick you out?!" Sage said.

"Who's She-Devil?" Zack asked.

"Our mother." We all said in union.

"You call your mother She-Devil? Isn't that disrespectful?" He asked stunned.

"Trust us, for her She-Devil is a compliment." Seth said cracking his knuckles.

"Speaking of the She-Devil..."

Mom stormed out and passed us not even looking at us. Her face was red and I could swear her ears had steam coming out. Zack gawked like a fish at the sight and I just slumped my shoulders my backpack sliding down to the ground.

"That woman never seems to change." A deep voice said behind us.

We turned around to be met with a man in his late thirties with long gray hair and a beard to match. His eyes twinkling when they landed on me.

"Seraphina, kiddo how you been?" The man asked and I literally jumped on him.


"I see you've been having some trouble." He said looking at the red Mini Cooper that stormed of.

"Not really I spent most of my time at the studio..." I said as I was being put down to my feet.

Dad picked up my backpack and slumped it over his shoulder. He then started walking towards the garages with me and the boys following. Seth and Sage carried my bags while I helped Zack with his box.

"Looks like your staying with us." Dad said. "Yes!" Sage said pounding the air with his fist.

"Your brothers will drive you home. I'll come a little later, I still have work to do." He said.

"Okay." He gave me my bag and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so sorry you had to put up with her for so long." He said sadly.

"Don't worry daddy it wasn't that bad." I said smiling up at him.

He patted my head and left with Zack. Seth put my suitcases in the trunk of a real nice looking 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Sage opened the passenger door and made me go into the back seat. Seth closed the trunk and got in the drivers seat. Sage sat in the passenger seat and the car slowly made it's way towards my new home.




Dear readers this book is totally random so sorry for the grammar mistakes. Picture on the top is Seth's car!

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