Scene 13

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I sat outside the boy's dressing room, inspecting my nails as I ignored Ivy and his friends. They were currently making fun of me because I didn't return home 'till late and for some reason my dad didn't say a word, and neither did my twins. I guess it's because I'm leaving tomorrow for Russia.

"So tell me Sera, did Max do the deed with you or are you a virgin?" Ivy teased, while I stood up suddenly.

He flinched back and fell on his butt, while I only raised my eyebrow at him.

"Why so jumpy?" I asked him.

I didn't exactly leave time for him to answer seeing as I caught the man I was looking for by the arm. 

"Paul let's have a small chat shall we?" I asked, and literally dragged Paul by the arm outside.

Paul followed behind me completely stunned and utterly confused. I dragged him outside, to the courtyard of the school. We had one more P.E. class together but right now, I did't exactly give a shit for it.

"Sit." I said and pushed him towards a bench.

Paul sat down and looked at me.

"So tell me Paul, how's life? Why aren't you friends with Sage and Seth?" Straight to the point is my game.

"Listen Seraphina, it isn't your business..." He began but I only cracked my knuckles.

I like to be intimidating just as my big brothers. We get it from our dad. Insert sweet and innocent smile here.

"It is my business Paul. Those are my brothers and if they have a problem with someone, then technically that somebody has a problem with me." 

Paul sighed and looked up at me. I know for a fact that Max isn't the cause of their fight. By the information I got out from him yesterday while we talked he met Paul just a few months ago in some random club. He didn't even know they attended the same school.

"Remember the girl that lived next door to your dad's? Whitney Bryan?" He asked and I nodded remembering the red heard Irish girl. "I asked her out, breaking the veto the guys and I had. All three of us liked her, but I took the chance and asked her out. Because it was one of her last wishes before she left back to Ireland."

"You guys fought over a girl?" I asked not believing my ears. "Are you morons?"

Paul looked up at me confused while I just sighed. Throwing away a years worth of friendship for a girl? What moron does that? I mean I would choose Sage and Seth over Max because they are family and I'm stuck with them so might as well have a good relationship with them, but at the same time I would choose Max because I love him and would make those two compromise. 

"Ugh why are boys so stupid and more complicated than girls?" I sighed and looked at him sharply. "The twins will be coming with me to Russia, so you have until 6 p.m. to glide things out with them. Our flight leaves at 9 p.m. but we need to leave around six to make it to the airport."

"Have fun." 

I left him in the courtyard and went back to class. Aurora will be coming over with Luke and Greg around two, while Max will be the one t come at three and stay with me until I leave. 

I'm pretty sure I'll cry when he sends me off.

"No fair, why does Max have the right to stay with you! I won't see you for three years and he gets to send you off? Why couldn't you be in a relationship with me? I can guarantee the sex would have been better." Aurora pouted making my mouth hang open.

Why was she talking about the deed now? 

I glanced at Max who had a hard look on his face and before I knew it I was in his lap, his arms firmly placed around my waist and head safely tucked in the crook of my neck. 

"Sorry ballerina, but you will never be better in bed than me." He smirked, winked and kissed my neck.

I was having a major blushing contest with Greg, while Luke didn't really care. He was only bummed out his partner, a.k.a me, was leaving him. While the exchange of insults rose between Max and Aurora I pulled out a box from under my bed and suddenly everybody stopped talking. 

"Guys, before you leave my house and I go to Saint Petersburg, I have a gift for you so you guys don't forget me." I said, opening the box and pulling out three necklaces. "Here you go."

I handed each of them a silver chain with a puzzle piece hanging from it. Aurora teared up while Luke and Greg smiled at my antics. I could tell they were waiting for something like this to emerge from my mind. 

Four puzzle pieces for the four of us

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Four puzzle pieces for the four of us. My mind works like this.

"I know we will skype when ever we can, but still guys, I want you to have this as a show of my love for our friendship... If that makes sense." I laughed and Aurora burst out crying.

She tackled me in a hug, even if I was still sitting in Max's lap. Max grunted but managed to not fall and keep me in place, making sure I didn't get hurt.

"You better call me when you land, you hear me pipsqueak?!" She yelled out as she stood up and brushed away her tears.

"I promise." I smiled as both her and the boys left, leaving me and Max together, alone.

Max sighed and tenderly wiped my tears away. I hate being so emotional!

"Do I get a gift?" He asked, hugging me from behind.

"No." I said pouting. "It's the boyfriend's job to buy the girlfriend gifts and spoil her."

He burst out laughing and hugged me closer. He caught my hands and made me turn around to look at him. He brought our faces closer and kissed me on the lips, slowly nibbling my lower lip. 

I felt something cold on my ring finger and I looked down for my eyes to widen with not only shock but surprise. There on my ring finger a silver ring was placed with a black queen chess piece was engraved on it.

Max raised his own left hand and there on his ring finger the same silver circle stood with a king's chess piece on it

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Max raised his own left hand and there on his ring finger the same silver circle stood with a king's chess piece on it.

"These are promise rings. When you go to the academy you better be flaunting it in everyone's face showing them you are mine." Max said stealing a quick kiss. "I promise you with these rings that when you come back we'll have more than one first date and in the end, I'll make sure to put a wedding ring on you."

"Worst proposal ever." I said and kissed him.

Damn, I hope these three years go by fast!

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