Chapter Fifteen

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Another five victims and another $400, this was too easy.

"Done. Please come and pick me up." I was done for the night, I just wanted to sleep. I heard a car outside, so I looked out the window and saw a police car parked outside. I cursed and watched it, hoping nobody got out of the car. It stood there for what felt like a lifetime, until finally, it slowly drove off. I sighed in relief and saw Oswell pull around the corner. I opened the door and walked over to the car, getting in.

"So, what's your number and intake?" he asked and I smiled.

"Another ten and $900," I declared and he just stared at me. "What can I say, I know how to pick them," I shrugged smiling and he rolled his eyes while smiling.

"Let's just get back," he sighed and drove off. I looked out the window and sighed, realizing this was our last night in Bondi.
"I'm going to miss it here," I thought out loud and Oswell took hold of my hand.
"Me too," he agreed and we drove in silence all the way to hotel. Once inside, I let Oswell take the first shower. He smiled at me, then grabbed his stuff and walked in. I took out the money and put it with the rest. Take that Chandra, $1200 and 20 victims in two nights. I took off my hoodie and shoes, laying on the bed, waiting. It didn't take long before I heard Oswell come in. I jumped up, grabbed my PJ's and knife and went into the bathroom. I cleaned my knife until it was completely free of blood, then dried it and undressed, getting in the shower. I washed myself, then got out and reached for my towel. But when it wasn't there, I realized I'd left in the room last night when drying my hair. I shuffled the floor mat over to the door and opened it slightly, covering my body.
"Oswell?" I called and he appeared at the door.

"Everything okay?" he questioned.

"Um I forgot my towel. Could you grab it for me?" I requested and he nodded, walking over to it, grabbing it and bringing it over. "Thanks," I mumbled and he smiled.

"You're welcome," he replied as I closed the door. I dried myself and got dressed, heading back into the room as I tied my hair in a pony. Oswell was already in bed and trying to fall asleep, so I quickly plugged my phone in and turned off the light, maneuvering to the bed. I climbed in and sighed, relaxing into the bed. Oswell reached over and pulled me against him.
"I'm going to miss this," I sighed and he tightened his grip.
"We could always share a room," he offered and I smiled.

"Would that be allowed?" I questioned, twisting around to face him.
"I don't think they'd care much," he shrugged. I looked up at him and felt like kissing him again. I had said a little faster, but was this too far? I felt his breath on my face and knew he was moving in.
"Oswell," I started.
"If you don't want me to, say something," he whispered and I was about to say something, when I realized, apart from my fear of rushing, there was no reason not to do it. I shut my mouth and when he realized I wasn't going to object, he leaned down and kissed me. It was soft and sweet, how I'd imagined my first kiss would be. And technically this was, because I hadn't kissed Caellum back. I wrapped my arms around Oswell's neck, feeling drunk from his kiss. He moved his hand to my hip and pulled me lightly against him. I broke the kiss and we were both breathing heavily. I smiled and I could almost feel his smile too. I twisted back around and pressed against his chest, both of us falling asleep happily.

When I woke up the next morning, it wasn't light like it had been other mornings. I could hear the rain pouring outside, a sad farewell to our time here. I sighed, then remembered last night and was instantly smiling. Yeah, we'd technically only known each other three days, but we couldn't deny the obvious attraction between us. I twisted around and looked at his face again, because I couldn't help it. I suddenly remembered we had to be out of here by ten, so I gently moved out of his arm and checked the time. It was nine now, we had an hour. I packed the bags and put the rest of the money into my bag. I then grabbed my clothes for today and walked into the bathroom, getting changed. When I walked out, Oswell was sitting up and stretching.
"Good morning," I greeted and his eyes darted to me before smiling.
"Good morning to you too," he replied, getting out of bed. He looked me up and down, then smiled wider. I was wearing the dress he'd bought in honor of last night. I smiled too as he grabbed his clothes and passed me to get to the bathroom. I grabbed my phone and started playing, waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. When he did, he stopped and looked at the packed bags.
"Yeah, I already packed them. I was up a little earlier," I shrugged as my phone started ringing. I looked at it and saw it was Avyanna, so I answered.

"Hey, how are you?" she greeted, but from the tone of her voice, I knew something was up.
"I'm good, you? Everything okay?" I replied.
"I'm pretty good. Um, no, everything's not okay. Rikard found a police interview online, about Oswell," she answered and I stopped breathing.

"Was the guy doing the interview called Aaron?" I inquired, turning to Oswell. He was looking at me with shock and worry.
"Yeah. So you knew that Oswell was in his home town then?" she demanded.

"I did. But he'd come here before, he was sure no one would recognize him," I explained.

"Well, you might want to start making your way back now, because Rikard is fuming," she suggested.

"Okay, we'll get going now. Bye," I finished and ended the call, breathing out.
"Aaron did an interview about me?" Oswell asked and I nodded, knowing if I said anything, it would show my anger. I'd said we shouldn't have come here, that there was a risk of being spotted. But he insisted and I just went along with it. I grabbed our bags and headed to the door. "Wait, what's wrong?" Oswell added, grabbing my arm. I looked up at him, but kept my mouth shut. If I yelled at him, it would only slow us down.

"Nothing," I gritted, then realized I didn't have my hat on. I put the stuff down and grabbed out my hat, putting it on.
"No, tell me, what is it?" he stated. He wanted to know, fine. I turned to him and balled my fists, walking slowly towards him.
"The fact that I told you, warned you on several occasions that this was a bad idea, coming to your home town. That someone might recognize you, but we came anyway. I'm angry that you didn't listen to me and that I wasn't more insistent, because now, as soon as we walk in, Rikard's going to have our necks," I growled, now standing right in front of him.
"It's times like these that I really want to kiss you," he muttered and I stopped, staring at his face. He wasn't angry back, more like he was accepting and agreeing with what I was saying. When I didn't say anything else, he leant down and softly kissed me. I kissed him back right away, relaxing my hands and moving them around his neck. He pulled away first and smiled at me, making me smile back. Then he moved his eyes down to the bruise that was still fresh on my arm. It wasn't healing quickly, which was annoying me.
"Don't think about it," I suggested, but he couldn't take his eyes off it.

"Do you have bruises anywhere else?" he questioned.

"Are you sure you want the answer?" I checked.
"Yes," he stated.

"I have a smaller one on my other arm," I told him, pointing it out. "A smaller one on my left hip and another on my right hip," I added and he nodded. His fists were balling up, so I touched his arm, making him look at me.
"He, he has to pay," Oswell hissed and I sighed, leaning up and lightly kissing him again. He instantly kissed me back, moving his arms to my back and pulling me closer. I moved my arms back around his neck. I pulled back and looked at him, seeing he was more relaxed.
"I can't always be around to calm you down. You'll have to remember moments like these," I instructed and he nodded, smiling.
"You've given me a good range," he joked and I smiled.
"Come on lover boy, let's get home and face the devil," I replied, grabbing my glasses and putting them on, then grabbing the bags and heading out, Oswell beside me. He checked out while I headed to the car and put all the stuff in the boot, jumping in the front. He walked out soon after and got in the driver's side. I handed him the keys, he started the car and we drove off, heading back to the hell that awaited us.

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