Chapter Thirty Four

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Something beside me was wriggling around, so I opened my eyes and found Lucien trying to squirm to the edge of the bed. I quickly grabbed him back and lay him on my chest.

"You little wiggle worm," I remarked and he giggled, smiling at me. "We have to go home today. You're going to see your new home," I explained and he just kept smiling.

"Morning," Oswell groaned beside me.

"Good morning to you too," I greeted and he smiled at me.

"What time is it?" he questioned and I rolled over, grabbing my phone.

"Ten," I answered and I groaned again, rolling away.

"We have to get up. We have to be out of here by ten thirty," he stated and I sighed, looking back at Lucien, who was still in his day clothes I realized. We got up and he packed the bags while I fed and changed Lucien. When I was finished, Oswell was almost done too. I took my bag, which also had Lucien's bag in it and lightly put him in a little space that was padded with clothing. Oswell had thought ahead. I closed up the bag, leaving a little space and carefully picked up the bag, putting it on my shoulder.

"Heavy?" Oswell asked when he saw my reaction to the bag on my shoulder.

"Just a little," I answerer truthfully. We left our room and walked down to the lobby, where Av and Caellum were waiting. Caellum took Oswell's bag so he, Av and I could wait in the car. Once we got there, I quickly got Lucien out of the bag and moved to the front, closing the door and strapping in. Oswell didn't take too long and we quickly drove out, heading back home. We only stopped once on the way home and that was to get brunch at McDonald's. It was a fair distance out of Melbourne, so I wasn't scared about hiding Lucien. Though just to be safe, we went through the drive through.

"Oh my god, that baby is so cute," the driver through girl commented and I smiled. "Though shouldn't he be in a baby seat?" she added, turning concerned.

"We're going to get one now," I lied and she handed us our meals.

"Oh okay. Have a good day," she ended and we sped off, wanting to get away from her.

When I saw the Mansion, I sighed in relief, happy to be home. Once the car was parked, we all got out and grabbed our bags, heading up to the actual house. Once we entered, we were greeted and everyone asked us how our trip. Then they saw Lucien and stopped, staring.

"He's like us," I explained and they all looked suspicious, but continued as before. It was when Nikos came down and he saw Lucien that things started getting bad.

"You need to go to Rikard, immediately," he stated, staring at Lucien like he was the most evil thing in the world. I looked at the others and they smiled encouragingly, but didn't offer to come with me. Looks like this was all going to be on me. I sighed, handed my bag to Oswell and headed to Rikard's office, knocking on the door.

"Come in," he demanded and I opened the door, walking in. His eyes looked up, before he jumped up and stood behind his desk. "You brought a baby back?" he questioned, his tone turning angry.

"He's one of us, I know he is," I insisted, hugging Lucien against my chest.

"Well, if you're so sure," he started, walking over and putting his hands out in request. I hesitantly handed Lucien over to him and Rikard inspected him. "I'll give him to one of the older females," he finished and went to walk out of the office. I was in shock, so I couldn't move. He was going to let Lucien stay, but he was going to take him away from me? "Wait, you," I started, turning and was about to rush out of the office when I scream, a baby scream, rang through the house. I ran out and found Rikard a little way down, Lucien in Kali's arms. He was screaming and crying. I quickly made my way over them and ripped him out of her grasp, holding him against my chest and his head on my shoulder. "Shhh Lucien, it's okay. You're safe now," I whispered, bouncing him a little. He slowly calmed down and moved his head away from my shoulder, looking up at me with eyes still full of tears.

"Ma," he said and I smiled.

"That's right," I replied. I looked back at Rikard and Kali, who were just staring at me, with a few other people coming to see what going on. "You can't take him away from me. He's used to me," I declared. Conner and Nikos approached and the three men looked between each other, making a decision with their eyes. It didn't take long before Rikard looked back at me and Lucien.

"He can stay. You will be put in charge of everything concerning him," Rikard allowed and I nodded. "Find a cot, baby seat and high chair online, I'll buy them. But food, clothing, toys are all on you," he added and I smiled more, nodding again. I walked to my room and found Oswell lying on the bed, on his phone. When he saw me come in, he put it down and sat up.

"Hey, I heard a scream. Everything okay?" he questioned as I sat on the bed.

"Yeah, Rikard tried to give Lucien to Kali to look after," I explained.

"Really?" he asked and I nodded.

"But obviously Lucien didn't like that, so he started screaming. I calmed him down and now Rikard has agreed to buy a cot, highchair and car seat, if I looked after everything else," I continued. I quickly grabbed my laptop and opened it, jumping on the internet.

"So he gets to stay?" Oswell asked.

"Yes, Rikard is allowing Lucien to stay," I confirmed. I quickly found a cot, car seat and high chair at a good price, all in good condition. I grabbed my laptop and headed down to Rikard's office, but slowed when I heard talking through the door.

"So she's trying to find him?"

"Yes. I told her to stop, and I'm hoping she listens. But from what she's displayed, she won't stop."

"She can't find out about Kyran."

"You don't think I don't know that?"

"Anyway, are we still good for the party tonight?"

"I don't know. . ."

"Rikard, it's your birthday. The one time a year you allow yourself to relax. Don't turn it down." Rikard was having a party tonight, where he'd have to be out of his office? Sweet.

"Fine. But she needs to be monitored so she doesn't do anything."

"Rikard, she's a teenager. She'll probably get drunk and collapse somewhere with Oswell."

"Probably." I knocked on the door and they immediately stopped talking. "Come in," Rikard instructed and I opened the door, peering in. Conner was in there with him.

"I have the stuff you said you'd buy," I told him and he nodded. I walked in and handed him my laptop, so he could put his details in for the payments. Once that was done for all of them, he handed my laptop back to me and I walked out, smiling at how everything would fall into place tonight.

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