Chapter Twenty Two

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As soon as we walked in, one set of eyes was on us. Then it seemed every set of eyes was on us. I walked into the room and made my way over to the music system and the person manning it. I whispered a request in his ear and he smiled, nodding and winking. I rolled my eyes while smiling and walked back to the others. It seemed everyone had already gotten over the shock and were back to partying. The current song was 'Misery' by Maroon 5 and it was close to finishing when I finally reached them. Av was trying to look confident, but I knew she was nervous. I touched her arm and she looked at me.
"You look good, you should feel good. Go show him what he's just lost," I stated over the music and she nodded her head smiling. I then turned to Oswell and grabbed his hand, dragging him out onto the dance floor as 'Misery' ended.

"What song now?" he questioned, but in a way that made him seem like he already knew. He was about to get a shock. "Burn" by Ellie Goulding started and I smiled at him, while he looked a little shocked. I started dancing and we quickly found our rhythm, following the beat. Everyone else was enjoying the song and I smiled up at Oswell. When it got to the slower bit, Oswell pressed his chest against my back while I swayed my hips. I giggled and we continued dancing. It was over quickly and we smiled at each other. I looked around as "King" by Years and Years came on, trying to find Av or Caellum. I quickly spotted them and they found they were dancing together, having a fun time. At least Av looked more confident and happy now. Caellum saw me staring and smiled, so I waved back. Oswell grabbed my other hand and pulled me in for another dance.

We all stumbled up the stairs, laughing hard at a joke Caellum had just made. I reached the top of the steps first, so I was the only who saw it. Kali and Pietro going into his room, holding hands. The door was closed before the others could see it, meaning I was the only who knew the truth. Kali was the someone else Pietro had left Av for. The others made their way to Caellum's room and went inside, while I stayed on the steps. This was bad, very bad because Kali and Av seemed close. I sat on the stairs and put my head in my hands. What the hell did I do?

"You okay sis?" Caellum asked behind me. I twisted around to look at him as he sat down next to me.

"Not really," I answered truthfully.

"What's wrong?" he questioned.

"I know who Pietro is now with and I don't know what to do, because that person is close to Av," I sighed.

"Well, what are your options?" he offered.

"I could tell Av, I could not tell her," I stated.

"Say you did tell her? What could happen then?" he replied.

"She would be upset, but then," I started, but then smiled an evil smile and looked over at Caellum. "We could plan out revenge," I finished and he smiled too.

"Sounds fun," he agreed and we jumped up, running to his room. Oswell and Av were laughing something on her phone, but looked up at us when we came rushing in.

"Av, I have a plan. I don't know if you'll like it, but I think it's brilliant," I rushed.

"I didn't understand any of that. Slow down," she told me and I breathed deeply.

"I know who Pietro is now with and I have a plan to get back at them," I stated slowly and her eyes went wide.

"Who? And how?" she inquired.

"Kali. I saw her and Pietro going into his room, holding hands. None of you saw it because I was at the top of the stairs first," I explained and her eyes went wider, her jaw dropping.

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