The Salon Part 2

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Chapter 14

The rest of the afternoon continue rather normally, as normal as one of these infernal salons could continue, I assumed. Harriet had gone off to sulk in her corner, a group of ladies surrounding her, shooting me angry looks as if they couldn't believe I had scolded their perfect leader in such a way. I tried my best to ignore them, occupying myself with small talk with the ladies who did not see Harriet as the greatest woman to walk the planet.

"Someone tell me what they think of this war so I can get to know you all better, and to get to know it better, from a lady's perspective of course." I said, sitting my tea cup down, trying of the talk about the weather. A girl diagonal to me, a dark haired girl who wore a simple pink dress sat her cup down.

"It's a simple power play, by the King of Rashold. He believes if he keeps this up long enough we will be forced to bend to his wishes..." A girl, who looked very similar to her, nudged her.

"Sissy, war is not a woman's business..."

I held my hand up. "With all do respect..." I left a blank space for the younger girl to fill in her name, "Mary." "Mary, I am to be Queen, the first Queen to rule without a man for two hundred years. This war is my business and therefore is women's business."

The red haired girl spoke at this. "Don't let the men hear you say that, half of them would have us tied to beds, doing nothing but birthing children. I hear they do that in Rashold." I laughed loudly at her thick accent and sarcastic tone.

"What's your name?" I asked, liking the twinkle in her smile.

"Lily, Lily Mckelroy," She said. "My mother is the Marquessa of Wainwright."

"That explains the accent I'm sure." I said, setting my book down, "What is the north of our country like?"

Several girls weighed in on this talking about the thick woods and rolling hills. It sounded beautiful. One, a Lady Tessa, talked about how the fog rolled from the highlands to fill the valleys so vividly, I could practically see it and feel it on my skin.

The afternoon went by, Lady Harriet trying like hell to get back into my good graces, and the six ladies who had followed her so adamantly were slowly starting to withdraw from her. I think by the time I'd opened my book to read about the Geography of the Coastline, she was more focused on reigning her girls back in. Josephine glided over to sit in the chair beside me, a soft smile on her face.

"How do you find them?" She whispered. I closed my book and smiled.

"How many need to make up my ladies?" I asked. She smiled.

"I think the general number is about six." I looked around. Of the eighteen girls she'd plucked out of the crowds for me, I'd have to take six of them?
"What about four." I asked. She shook her head.

"Six is probably the minimum, some Princesses and Queens have thirty women at their disposal. But I think that's too showy for you. "

"Alright, I'll figure it out."

A few minutes later, Josephine dismissed the salon, and I stood to thank them all for coming.

As soon as the room was empty, I turned to her. "I want Lily Mckelroy and Helena Winters. As well as Lady Tessa." She looked shocked.

"Lady Mckelroy is a daughter of the late Duke of Northgate, Harriet's father got the title because he was the closest male heir. She has no standing..."

"I don't care." I snapped. "I do not care that she has no standing, I like her. She will be in my court." Josephine looked like she wanted to say more.

"For the remaining three spots, I recommend Lady Harriet, Lady Natalie and Lady Marie."

"No. Lady Harriet is a bully and she won't be one of my ladies." Josephine sighed, checking her temperature with the back of her hand.

"Her mother won't be pleased. Nor will her father. A power hungry animal if I ever met one." She said, sitting down, fanning herself with her hand.

"I don't know about the last three, could you arrange another meeting in the next few days, for Ladies Willow, Sarah, Belinda, and Georgia, I liked them all as well. And what about Elijah's sister..." She nodded.

"Elizabeth? Well, she's quite a pretty girl, definitely one to watch in the future. Would you want to give the Thomas's so much power within your court? It's already well known you respect Elijah quite a lot, and you are supposed to be planning her debut, so I think it would be a very bad strategic mood." She said... my mouth popped open.

"What?" She asked, breaking her speech with impatience.

" have a brain!" I screeched, exploding into laughter.

"Of course I have a brain." She scoffed, standing, "A large one in fact. How do you think I manage to deal with a bafoon like you!" She swatted me gently with her fan repeatedly, as I fell back in a fit of giggles.

"I thought you did that because you had nothing better to do. I frankly thought I was your form of reading?" She gasped indignantly, her bright eyes teasing as she played angry.

"Go to bed you silly, girl. I will see you in the morning." She said, putting an end to my teasing. I sat up as she walked away.

"Josephine..." I called out, making her stop. "Thank you...for teaching me." She smiled and nodded once, flushing at my gratitude.

"Of course, Avalyn. There is nothing I'd rather do." 

For King and Countryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें