The Sound of Silence

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Chapter 41

All I could do was pace. We'd arrived at the Viceroy's home a few hours ago. I'd been offered tea, offered Jonathan's company by his horrendous mother, and offered twenty pounds of the 'nation's finest beef' to take back to the capital (even though I'd had our beef and it was far from the best). I'd managed to escape, and all I could do was pace up and down the corridor where I first saw Elijah and Jeremiah. I was doing horrible things to my nails, and my mother was peaking her head out of the viceroy's wife's tacky reception room every few minutes to check on me. She was tending to Katherine, who didn't feel very well. She said it was the stress of worrying over Jefferson. I could relate. It had been hours, and I still was not sure if I was Queen or not. Curse Fitz and Elijah for making me come and wait like a helpless little girl. I was far from helpless.

"Any news?" My mother asked, popping her head in again. I shook my head no, continuing my pacing. "Let me know if you hear anything." I nodded and turned on my heels, again. The door closed behind her, and my eyes fell on the sword that Fitzgerald had given me. I picked at my sleeves as I stared at it. My heart sank. I had no idea about any of them, not Fitz, not Micah. What would I tell Marie if something happened to Fitz? What would I do if the country fell?

A cry from the other room shook me from my stupor. I twirled my pendant around in my fingers as I tore my gaze away from the sword and turned to the living room, where a fire was crackling in a fireplace. Before I had moved to the palace, it was the finest I'd ever seen. It was as tall as my shoulder if I stood on the mantle, taller than my mother and the Viceroy's wife, and wide for a full grown man to completely stretch out his arms on either side. It's mantle was made of carved, polished wood that would keep the cherry wood from catching on fire from the embers that appeared every now and then.

My mother was standing worriedly in front of Kathrine as the Viceroy's wife yammered on and on. Her face was creased in worry as Katherine panted, her hands cupping her large stomach. Immediately, I realized the situation.

"Oh no," I said, walking over to the chaise lounge where Katherine sat. My mother looked up at me, nodding slightly as she smoothed down Katherine's shirt.

"Send for Monique," Mother said. I turned to the Viceroy's wife.

"You heard the woman," I said frantically. "She's having a baby for goodness sake!" I yelled, waving my hands and she stood there slack-jawed. I sat down on the couch as the large woman made her way out of the room to get a servant. "Why didn't you say something sooner?" I asked. She shook her head and sighed.

"I thought it was just—" She shifted and breathed out as her face twitched in pain. "I thought it was just pain. I didn't think it was time." I nodded and put my hand on her arm. My mother immediately sent for water and clean linens, and went about organizing everything Katherine would need before the healer arrived.

"My Lady," My mother got the Viceroy's wife's attention. She was pouting in a corner, as my mother took over her house. "Is there a place we can move her majesty? A guest room perhaps? I doubt a child should come into the world atop your fine silk rugs." Mother flattered her. The Viceroy's wife immediately sprung into action.

The healer hobbled in. "Who is having the baby?" She said, oblivious to Katherine's pain filled face or her bulging stomach. Katherine raised her hand, and the old woman hobbled over. Her eyes passed over me briefly.

"It's good to see you again, your majesty." She said, putting her wrinkled hand on Katherine's stomach. "Oh dear, you're close." She smiled slightly, her wizened eyes crinkling around the edges. "Do we have a room prepared?" Mother nodded, she motioned for the old lady to follow her. Two servants appeared and helped Katherine to her feet. She let out a groan, and she looked at me with wide nervous eyes.

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