Chapter 16 - The Forest

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Daniel!? Why of all people?

Zach doesn’t stop glaring hard into my eyes and I could feel my heart beating so fast I could practically  hear it next to me, I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t do anything.

‘Zach! Stop it!’

Daniel shoves him softly but enough to put Zach off balance and as soon as our gaze stops I fall to my knees clutching my stomach and gasping for air shutting my eyes tight so the tears that threatened to spill wouldn’t come out.

What just happened?

Daniel cursed and starts yelling at Zach and “blue”.

‘I told you to watch her, not to compel the girl,’ I hear him yell, ‘bring her to the van before someone comes.’

Someone picks me up off the floor and takes me to the van, when they sit me down I instantly open my eyes and see Zach and the other guy sitting across me. Inside the van had chairs set up like a limo but the chairs were closer, and more worn out and old. I look away from Zach hoping we won’t have another stare off thing again.

Daniel opens the van and comes in, ignoring Zach and the other guy. ‘You ‘right, Remy?’ he asks. I ignore him, I didn’t want to talk to anyone, plus I still had duct tape on my mouth anyway.

‘Remy, I’m sorry. Zach’s still pretty young you know? But you gotta learn not to do that, not to people, not to anyone, especially not us. Okay?’ he looks at me and took the duct tape off, slow and gently. I stayed quiet for a while rubbing my lips where the duct tape had once been, not looking at anyone.

‘Okay?’ He asks again but a bit louder. ‘Daniel I had no choice, I don’t wanna go back. I don’t want to see Nick; I don’t even want to see you.’ He looks at me hurt as soon as I said that and I wished I could take it back, but what I said was true; I didn’t want to see any of them.

‘Look I’m just trying to find my friend, I was with him on the street one night and woke up in this guy called Billy’s house. He said he’d tell me where my friend was if I’d go to a party with him and I did, I even stayed a night cos I was so tired, when I woke up we had a bit of a dispute and I walked off, then I found your boys,’ I explained fast, angry at the end refusing to look at him.

‘Well there’s nothing I can say about that… but now that you’ve shared your story can you at least say sorry to Zach?’

I look at the floor as if I there was something that really interested me, pretending I didn't hear him and ignoring all three of their eyes boring down on me.

‘Remiah, you gave him a black eye and kicked him in the stomach, that’s not like you.’

I scoff, ‘you have no idea,’ I mutter under my breath, ‘what was that?’ Daniel asks. I ignore him at first but then change my mind, ‘first of all I gave him a black eye cos he was sitting on top of me covering my mouth, and second of all I kicked him because… well… there is no reason.’

‘You sat on her?’ Daniel asks turning his gaze to Zach and glaring at him.

‘And then,’ I continue finally looking at Daniel, ‘he stands up like nothing happened and stares at me so hard and cold I couldn’t move – he like hypnotized me! I felt like I was gonna die, I couldn’t breathe!’

I look at Zach and catch him smirking. He looks at me and I glare at him, he looks away.

‘Daniel, what is he?’ I ask. Daniel looks at me and then at Zach and then back again. ‘Why don’t you ask him yourself?’ he smiles eyes twinkling in mischief.

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