75 - Jeff the killer

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Jeff and his family had just moved in to a new house. His dad had got a promotion and they wanted to move in a 'fancy' house.

Jeff and his brother Liu could not complain about the house though because it was huge and new. Everything was amazing.

The family was unpacking stuff when one of their neighbors came by.

"Hi ! I'm Barbara , your new neighbor . And over there is my son , Billy. " she said and called her son. Billy came and said hi .

"Hello Barbara. I am Margaret. This is my husband Peter and here are my two sons , Jeff and Liu." Jeff's mom said.

They introduced themselves to each other and then Barbara invited them to Billy's birthday party.

Jeff and Liu were about to object when their mom said that they would love to come. After Barbara left , Jeff went up to his mom.

" mom , why would you invite is to some dumb kid's party. ? I'm not stupid. " Jeff complained.

"Jeff , " said his mom. " we just moved in here and we should show our neighbors that we want to spend time with them. We are going to the party. End of story" Jeff was about to argue but didn't because he knew he couldn't do anything.

Jeff went up to his new room and plopped down on the bed. He was staring at the white , plain ceiling when suddenly , he got a feeling.

It was a weird feeling. Not that painful , but it was strange . He just shrugged it off when his mom called him downstairs.

Next morning , when Jeff was eating his breakfast to go to school , he again got the feeling.

This time , it was stronger. It caused him a slight pain but Inc again , he dismissed it.

When Liu and him finished eating breakfast , they went to the bus stop and sat on the bench waiting to the bus to arrive.

Out of the blue , some random kid jumped over them with his skateboard. Just a few inches above their laps. "Hey ! What the hell ? " Liu yelled.

The kid landed and kicked his skateboard up and caught it with his hands. He looked about 12. A year younger than Jeff.

" well , well , well . Looks like we got ourselves some new meat " he said and suddenly , two other kids appeared.

One was super skinny and the other was huge.

"As you are new here , let me introduce ourselves " said the dude .

"Over there , is Keith " he pointed to the super skinny boy.
"And over there , is Troy " he pointed at the fat boy.

"And I , am Randy. " he said. " now for all the kids in the neighborhood , there is a small price for the bus fare so if you catch my drift "

Liu stood up angrily to punch him but one of Randy's friends pulled out a knife on him.

"Oh , I hoped you would be more co- operative. But you're not. So let's do this the hard way "

Saying that , Randy walked up to liu and pulled his wallet out of his pocket.

Once again , Jeff got this feeling , stronger than before. It was a burning sensation.

He got up but Liu gestured him to sit back down. He ignored Liu and walked up to the kid.

" Listen here , you jerk. Give back my brother's wallet or else" Jeff warned. Randy took his own knife out.

" Really ? And what will you do ? " As soon as Randy finished his sentence , Jeff punched him hard in the nose.

When Randy was about to touch his face , Jeff grabbed his wrist and broke it. The kid screamed in pain while Jeff snatched his knife.

Troy and Keith rushed at him but Jeff was too quick. He threw Randy to the ground.

When Keith lashed at him , Jeff ducked and stabbed him in the arm with the knife so Keith dropped to the ground in pain.

For troy , Jeff didn't have to use the knife. Just a punch was enough for Troy to go down.

Liu just stood there looking at Jeff in amazement. He never knew his brother had that in him.

" Jeff , how'd you ?" was all Liu could say. Then , that saw the bus coming and knew that the whole thing would be blamed on them.

So that did the first thing that came to their mind. They started running all the way to school.

The bus driver rushed to help Randy , Keith and Troy.

For Liu , it was just his brother beating up few people. But for Jeff , it was more. It was something scary.

As he got the feeling , he realised how powerful it was. It was the urge to hurt somebody

He couldn't help but feel happy . The feeling stayed away for the entire time in school.

When he got home , his parents asked him how his day was. He said in an ominous voice " It was wonderful "

Next morning , he heard a knock at his door. He went downstairs to see who it was and he saw two policemen standing there.

His mother was looking at him with a furious and angry look and he knew that he messed up.

" Jeff , these policemen told me that you beat up there kids. Not a normal fight , you STABBED one of them son , Stabbed ! " Jeff looked at the ground because he knew it was true.

" they were the ones who put knives out on me and Liu mom " Jeff said .

" son , we found three kids. Two of them stabbed and one of them bruised badly. And a have witnesses to prove it is you who did that. What does this explain ? " one of the cops asked.

Jeff sighed. There was no use. He could've said Liu had been attacked but then there was no proof. So he couldn't defend himself or Liu.

" call your brother downstairs " the other cop said. Jeff couldn't. Since it was him who beat up those kids. Not liu.

" S - sir , it was me who beat up those kids. Not liu. He tried to hold me back but I stabbed two of them. " both the cops looked at each other and nodded .

They were about to tell his mother that Jeff had to go to prison when suddenly , they heard a voice from upstairs.

" Wait !" It was Liu. He had a knife in his hands which caused the police men to lock their guns on him.

" It was me who beat up those punks. I have marks to prove it " he said revealing bruises on his forearm .


Um hey !

First , I wanna say sorry for not updating for like a week. It seems like a year to me. Not even kidding.

Second , This is real. And it's creepypasta

Third, this is the first part of the story and I know it's really short. The second part is definitely gonna be hell long. I didn't update for like 10 days so I just wanted to write something and publish it.

Fifth , byeee ! ❤

Xoxo Nancy

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