14//Sleeping Fighter

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Mason POV

I had a talk with Jake when we got back to Blake's house so after putting her the sofa to rest I went to talk to him. I just filled him in on what happened and he looked so worried I didn't let anything get out of hand so I don't know why he is looking so worried it's like he is off in a different world. In deep thought he stares off into the distance. I leave him there and grab a glass of water for Blake and make my way back to her.

"I got you some water do you need anything else?" I say as I approach the living room. "Blake?" Maybe she fell asleep. As I round the couch I look at her peacefully sleeping so I sit down on the sofa opposite and watch her sleep. I know it sounds creepy but she is a beautiful sleeper and I just can't take my eyes off her. I watch as her chest rises and falls with every breath but as I watch closer the breathing looks like a struggle and with each rise and fall of her chest is shaky.

"Blake?" I shake her trying to wake her up but she doesn't budge. "Blake!?" I try a little harder but nothing is working she doesn't even stir. "Jake!" I shout.

"Yeah?" He shouts from the kitchen.

"I think we need to call 911." The next thing I know Jake is at my side.

"What do you mean we have to call 911?"

"I don't Know what's wrong with Blake I think she is unconscious because she definitely isn't sleeping."

"Hello I have an emergency-" I zone out of listening to the call Jake makes to 911 and just look down at Blake.

"You will be ok hold on I won't let anyone hurt you." I whisper so just Blake can hear even though I know she can't hear me it gives me hope.

It feels like hours before the ambulance arrives and they hurry Blake into the van as quick as possible. One problem they can only take one of us meaning me or Jake in the van.

"I'll take my car." I say knowing Jake should be with his sister. I hurry into my car and drive a little over the speed limit to get to the hospital ASAP.

I park my car in between two parking bays not having a care in the world and sprint into the building. Blake came in from the back and the front desk won't know what room she is in yet so I run around the hospital frantically looking for her. When I can't find her anywhere I pull out my phone to call Jake.

"Hello?" Jake says into the phone after he lets it ring for what felt like forever.

"Where is she?" I rush.

"They won't let me in the room I'll come to the front and come get you." I hang up and wait patiently as possible, I probably don't look very patient with the pacing back and forth but I can't keep still. Finally I spot Jake in the doorway and run over to him. I follow him down what feels like 100 hallways before he finally stops in front of a door.

"Why can't we go in?" I'm getting really impatient.

"They are doing tests." Jake says quietly I think he is off in his own world again.

"What type of tests? She isn't a lab animal!"

"Mason they are just trying to find out how they can help her, stress less would you."

"I can't stress less all I can do is worry about her."

"She will be ok, she is a fighter, literally." I smile at Jake's statement. He is right she is a fighter and she can get through this.

After what feels like days which is probably an hour or so a doctor walks out of the room and both Jake and I stand up.

"Is she alright?" We same at the same time.

"She should be ok." Should be ok what's that meant to mean?

"Can we see her?" Jake asks.

"Only one at a time and only immediate family so I'm going to have to ask for your relations to miss Smith."

"I'm her brother. Jake Smith." She jots his name and relation down on a piece of paper. She then turns her head to me.

"Blake is my fiancé." I say in a rush. Jake looks at me wide eyed. "Is that classified as immediate family because if not I'll have our wedding right here right now."

"No that's fine sir." Thanks god. When the nurse walks away I turn to Jake and he is still looking at me with wide eyes, they look like they will fall out if he doesn't blink soon.

"Jake?" He snaps out of his shocked state.

"Your marrying my sister?" I roll my eyes.

"Maybe one day if she is lucky."

"Mason what's going on?"

"I had to lie that we were getting married otherwise I wouldn't be able to see her so it the first thing that came to mind.

"You could of said you were her cousin, I thought you guys were getting married and I didn't even know you were boyfriend and girlfriend yet."

"Jake did some hit you in the head? Cousins aren't immediate family. And we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Well then you could of  said you were her other brother, but when she checked your ID she would notice your the same age don't look anything alike and have a different last name."

"Well done you can answer your own stupid questions." Jake gives me a look that could kill. "Just saying." I put my arms up in surrender.

I stare at the door my sleeping beauty is behind but I know Jake should go in first. Just as I'm about to open my mouth Jake cuts me off.

"You go in first." I look at him wondering if I have heard him right, he nods his head at the door and I don't argue. I swing the door open and stand there in the door way looking at Blake sleep peacefully but she sleeps peacefully hooked up to machines that beep louder than any alarm clock and that's when it hits me that she won't be waking up for a while.

I sit down in the chair next to her bed and take her hand in mine.

"Please wake up soon Blake." I know she can't hear me but talking to her clams me. "I'm sorry I left you all alone on the sofa, I could of prevented this I'm so sorry. The world can't go on without you so if you don't wake up in the next two days your going to have a price to pay from me personally." I look at her still form, them guys did that the guys who were going to rape her, it is all their fault but then the creep of a fan went over board and she just couldn't take it. "I'll see you soon baby." I kiss her forehead and walk out the door. "Hey Jake you can go see her." Jake gives me a nod and walks in to see his baby sister.

I go to the cafe in the hospital to get some dinner. I get a sandwich and and a water then sit down to eat and think. After about 40 minutes my phone beeps signalling I have a text.

Jake: I'm leaving the hospital now sleep well don't worry about her she is a fighter remember. You can visit her whenever you want. Talk soon.

Me: ok thanks man I'll sleep as good as I can but you too make sure you get your sleep.

I finish off my water and make my way back to Blake. I walk into her room and plop down on the chair. I reach in my pocket for my phone to text mum I'm staying at a friends house, she probably didn't even know I wasn't home.

"Goodnight Blake I hope to see you soon." I kiss her hand while it rests in mine. I get as comfortable as possible on the hospital chair and try my best to get to sleep. I didn't tell Jake I was sleeping here but it's the only way I will be able to sleep.

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