22//Explanations from the Past

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I drop Ben at the hospital explaining what has to happen, it's hard to look after him but I know it's what I have to do. I get in my car and sit there wondering what I'm going to say to Blake, she hates me and I don't know how to change that. I start my car and slowly take off, I'm nervous, my hands start to sweat as my grip on the steering wheel tightens. The whole drive to her house I keep trying to work out what I'm going to say to her, if she will believe me or not and if she will continue to hate me. I pull up into her long driveway and sit in my car for what feels like hours. After about five different songs I finally make my way to the door. Jake opens the door and I walk in behind him following him to the living room. When I walk in Blake is laying on one of the couches staring up and the roof, I can't possibly imagine what could be going through her head right now, she has been through a lot and it makes when think that I should refrain from telling her all this tonight. But I know I can't hold onto this for any longer the thought makes my brain explode.

"Blake?" I say getting her attention.

"What are you doing here Mason?"

"I need to talk to you."

"Nothing you say can bring us back, you used me and I don't appreciate that."

"Blake can you just hear me out please?"

"Mason! Even after you helped me tonight it doesn't change anything."

"I know I understand, just please listen to what I have to say."

"I said-"

"Listen to him Blake." Jake cuts her off, before leaving the room.

"Fine what is it?" She finally gives in.

"The night you told me to get out of your hospital room because you thought I was a creep I got home to a note on my bed, the note was a threat to stay away from you and if I didn't there would be consequences. I didn't listen to the threat and I came and saw you at your house and then we went to the park, that's when I got the call that Logan was in hospital, I later found out that he was in hospital because of me, because I couldn't let you go. It took everything I had in me to lie to you and tell you, you were nothing to me because it's the only thing that would make you hate me. I was so scared you would see through my lie and laugh in my face but then you told me what happened to your mum and I have felt so sorry, I am truly sorry but now Ben is gone, he isn't in the right mind space, I just... Blake, I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you." She was staring at me with wide eyes and an open mouth, she started moving her mouth but nothing came out.

"I don't understand Mason, why couldn't you just tell me? I could of helped figure something out."

"He was addicted to you he had eyes on you at all times, he would of figured it out and people would of got hurt. I'm sorry for the decision I had to make."

"Mason do you understand that this is going to take time for me but I want to be friends and I would like to start by telling you about my parents."

"Friends, I can handle that." I say relived, "you don't have to say anything if you don't want to."

"No I want to tell you. My mother was a successful lawyer and she has helped put a lot of people behind bars, one night when she was out with a group of friends she told them she was leaving because she wanted to get home, so she was walking along a street looking for my dad because he was picking her up, suddenly two guys grabs her from behind, she knew some self defence but it wasn't enough against them. They took her to a run down house and there they raped and murdered her. My father found her laying dead on the floor with a gun shot wound to the head, my father never made it out of that building, he shot him self. Love kills you." Tears are streaming out of her eye but she continued, "This happened when I was 15 and ever since I have been doing self defence and at 16 I went into the streets to fight, the streets are my escape and I don't know what I would do without them." She is a strong girl I honestly don't understand how she does it.

"I am so sorry Blake." I scoot over to where she is sitting and hold her in my arms, never letting go.

"I'll wait for you, as long as it takes Blake, I want forever with you."



A/N~ So thats the end guys I hope you liked it. Yes there will be and epilogue because I feel like I would have a few disappointed readers without one so stay tuned for that.

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