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Mason POV

When I wake up next to Blake a smile reaches my lips but it soon fades when I remember why she is still sleeping, why she isn't awake. It hurts me to watch her sleep because she loves moving, running, fighting, shit fighting what if she doesn't wake before her next fight but even if she does I won't let her fight it's to dangerous, I'll have to talk to my buddy Jed who organises the fights.

I look at my phone for the time and I see that it's already 10am, I always sleep well when I'm with my sleeping beauty.

"Can you wake up already I'm bored." I whine at Blake and I imagine her response to be insulting and mean but I would probably laugh at what ever she would say. "Blake you know you don't want to sleep, sleeping sucks right yeah? Well you cant sleep more than a whole day so if you're not awake by tonight I will- I'll think of something."


That day- Saturday Jake came to the hospital at night and left after about two hours but while he was there I popped home to shower and grabs a change of clothes and I returned just as he was leaving. I had a good sleep that night but I could feel my back and neck starting to get sore from sleeping in a chair.

Sunday was yet again another boring day but I had this feeling Blake was going to wake but she never did and it's scaring me how long she is sleeping for.

Monday came around and I really didn't want to go to school but I have to because exams are coming up and I can't miss anything in class. It takes so much strength to leave my sleeping beauty alone but I know she will be safe. The drive to school is lonely and peaceful because I have the music almost on mute and Blake isn't here to talk about her problems or bitch about everyone. When I get to school everyone watches me get out of my car and walk alone into school, I think most of them are wondering where I have been all weekend because I didn't show up to any parties, but other people have a look of concern on their face like they know something isn't quite right.

"Mason!" Logan shouts when I walk through the school doors. "Where have you been buddy I tried calling and texting but there was no answer where were you?" It's true he tried calling me and texted but I just ignored all of the texts that loads of different people sent and the only texts I replied to were Jake's.

"I was busy with stuff, sorry man." I try and sound alive but my mind is in a different place constantly worrying about Blake.

"Everyone one was worried about you and the someone said they saw you at the hospital, what's that about?" Shit someone saw me great.

"Don't worry about it."

"If you say so." That's what I like about Logan if you tell him to back off or not worry about something he will let it go and not push you for information.

The bell ring for out first class and me and Logan make our way to math. When I walk inside I automatically look to the back right hand corner next to the window and no one is sitting there I frown a little but I don't know what I was expecting because I left her just an hour ago at the hospital and she definitely wasn't awake.

I sit in my normal seat not the one next to Blake because I don't want to keep looking over at it every two second to talk to her and she won't be there. As the class watches me sit in my normal seat whispers start, I swear these people don't know better than to make up random shit about me. I just keep my eyes on my empty desk and block out my surroundings.

"Mason? Hello Mason." A hand waves in front of my face, a very feminine had. Blake? My eyes widen and I look up with excitement but the joy fades very fast because it isn't Blake standing in front of me, I don't know why I keep thinking she will magically appear because even when she wakes up she won't be let out for at least a day or so. I look into the boring dull brown eye of Jenna.

"What do you want?" I ask Jenna sounding a little harsh but I can't help it.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm free whenever you need just pop round. I see the nerds out of the picture." This pisses me off to the max and I stand up with so much speed my chair goes flying behind me and the whole class becomes silent, I just pick up my bag and storm to the door but before I exit the room I turn around.

"She will never be out of the picture, not in my books, so take you skinny ass and find someone who cares because I'm not who I was a few weeks ago." With that off my back I turn on my heels and storm out of there. I make my way to the back of the school and I sit where the school meets the forrest. I sit here until I hear the bell for lunch,I think I might of dozed off a little but I was awake before the bell went signalling lunch. I brush myself off and make my way to the cafeteria. The cafeteria goes silent when I walk through the doors and most peoples eyes seem to be on me. The little thing that happened in math has probably spread 3 times through the school already.

I walk over to my table and sit in my normal seat at the end of the table. The guys nod in a welcoming way but the girls don't really acknowledge me and I'm happy about that for once. All the girls have a look of failure, I know they had this little game going on between them to see who could last with me the longest but I made sure I played along with their game making sure I would do them once, that was my rule, but I would keep them with me for a whole week giving them hope that they would be the winner, but I've changed Blake is the only girl I will commit myself to, maybe Blake is it for me even thought we aren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend she is the best thing that ever happened to me.

After lunch I skip the rest of the day even though I came to school because I didn't want to miss any classes it turns out I didn't attend any, well does a half class of math count?

I rush home and take a shower before heading to the hospital. I walk into Blake's room and she is still sleeping there so peacefully, I sit next to her and take her hand in mine.

"Wake up already damn it, I miss you ok. Is that what you wanted to hear because I fucking miss you." I don't know if I'm dreaming but after saying them words I swear I feel Blake's hand tighten around mine.

"Mum?" and then the machines start beeping like crazy and I start to freak out. In seconds doctors and nurses come rushing in and I'm kicked out. I heard her I was not dreaming I heard her same 'Mum'.


OMG 2 chapters in one day look at me go. Okay so this chapter my be confusing I don't know I literally couldn't type fast enough and my brain kept overloading with ideas. I don't know if this is a cliff hanger well it isn't for me because i know whats going to happen :)

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