19//Jake's POV

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After talking to Blake about why she was crying for so long she told me that thing between her and Mason was all a joke to him but it doesn't add up.

I finish watching Tangled because no one can turn down that movie, Blake falls asleep half way through and she still doesn't wake up when it finishes. I write her a note letting her know I'll be out. I'm going to go knock some sense into that dick head Mason.

Me: Are you at school? I need to talk to you.

Mason: No I'm at home and don't bother coming over I don't want to talk to you.

Me: Whatever.

I hop in my car and make my way to Mason's house, he is not dodging my bullets. The whole way to his house I try to work out how this could be real, he loves her I know that I can see it in his eye every time he looks at her but apparently it was all a joke with his friends. I pull up to Mason's house and knock on the door.

"Hello I'm here to see Mason." I say to who I'm guessing is their butler.

"Ok just wait in the foyer I'll get him." I sit down on a chair in the foyer and wait for Mason.

"Mr Hunter you have a guest." The butler says into an intercom.

"Who is it?" Mason's voice comes through. I walk up to wear the butler is and tell him to let me talk.

"Come down here now Mason we need to talk about my sister."

"I don't want to talk to you. Max please kindly escort Jake out." That must be the butlers name.

"Max I think I'll make my way up to Mason's room." I say before running up the stairs and adventure around the hallways not really knowing where Mason's room is, I hear the beat from music and make my way to the door. I open it without without knocking and thank goodness I got the right room.

"Sit down we are talking." I say to Mason giving it to him straight.

"I don't have to listen to you."

"Gosh you sound like my sister." That made him sit.

"Fine what do you want?"

"I want to know the real reason you called things off with my sister and before you  start with the 'it was all a  game' shit that you threw at her try again buddy because I do not believe you, because let me tell you, you're in love with Blake you might not like to admit it to yourself but you're in love with her. So what happened what is the real reason?"

"Well I'm a pretty good actor maybe I should be a movie star because I'm damn good at faking love." He think I believe his crap.

"Nice try big boy, explain all the nights you  slept at the hospital when Blake was there all them nights you fell asleep holding her hand while you slept in that uncomfortable chair, now anyone could tell that is true love from a man, if you were acting you would of visited yes but you wouldn't of stayed over night. So now tell me why you broke thing off."

"I can't tell you." He then pulls out his phone and I don't know what this guy is on like we are obviously having a conversation, my phone then goes off and it's a text from Mason, I give him a look but he just mentions for me to look at the text.

Mason: I have to send this in a text because I don't know if he is watching or not. On my bed side table there is a note, punch me or something and i'll knock it off, pick it up and leave, DO NOT SHOW THE NOTE TO BLAKE!

Weird but at least I get to punch him. I punch his stomach because I could see his jaw bruising so I'm guessing that's where Blake punched him. He stumbles back sliding the note off the bed side table, I bend down next to him pretending I'm gonna punch him again while I put the note in my pocket, I then stand up and leave. I get in my car and drive  back home, I open the note in the car not wanting Blake to see it.

The note reads: Stay away from Blake, she doesn't need someone like you in her life. Break things off with her before bad things start happening. Ps don't underestimate me.

I then text Mason to let him know I've read the note.

Me: I read the note what the hell this is creepy, is this why Logan is in hospital?

Mason: Yeah he is in hospital because I ignored the threat, after Logan it was going to be you then my mum and everyone I care about until I was broken but I couldn't let that happen, but I'm working on something I wish I could tell Blake.

Me: We will think of something hang in there and keep up them acting skills, well maybe practise them a little they are pretty shit I mean I picked up on it.

Mason: Okay will do talk to you soon I hope we can work this out, I think you're right I love her.

I leave it at that, I know Mason loves Blake I just hate the timing because she was never able to admit that she loved him to herself and now she hates him but as they say there is a fine love between love and hate.


Hope you like this chapter of Jake's POV, I love Jake he is the best brother ever.

Have I told you guys how much I love you? Well I love you a lot, more than words can explain.

There is one little thing I'm worried about, I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I'm losing readers, I am not getting as much views per chapter and I just want you guys to let me know if I can fix that. I love you

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