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I wake up and let myself yawn silently, I reach out my arms to touch Austin but I feel air instead. I soon my eyes and see no more bed there, what?

I turn around and notice that I'm no where I know, the walls are a pale blue and the floor is white. There is 1 door and a few slightly opened windows.

A empty chair is pulled right up close to the side of my bed and I can tell by scent that it's been used by Austin. I sit up and feel that my whole body is sore and begging to rest.

I push myself up onto shaky legs but they buckle just as the door opens, I feel myself falling until someone grabs my hips inches above the ground.

By the sparks and warmth I know it's Austin, I grip his biceps as I stand up once again and control my legs. I sigh in relief when they finally stop shaking but Austin doesn't let go.

I look up and notice a few people standing behind Austin, two look familiar but one is a complete stranger. Oh wait that's Alpha Jason and his mate Rose, but who is the older man?

"Steady." Austin chuckles as my legs wobble again, I let out a laugh and grip his biceps tighter as my legs keep shaking. I feel Austin slowly pushing me back until my legs hit the bed and I sit down.

He swings my legs onto the bedsheets and I bring them to my chest, I move over allowing Austin to sit beside me on the uncomfortable mattress.

"You alright babe?" Austin asks kissing my lips lovingly, I smile into the kiss and feel my whole body warm at his touch.

"Yeah I'm alright." I reply after pulling away from his delicious lips, I glance from his eyes to his lips and then back up to his eyes. I bite my lip to stop myself from kissing him even more because there are others in the room.

"Maia, you know Jason and Rose." Austin says pointing to them then he points to the man I don't know "this is Doctor William, he has looked after you for the past few hours."

Doctor William? Where do I recognise that from? I stare deeply trying to figure it out. His face does the same as we try and figure out how we know each other.

Oh shit, I scoot away almost falling off the bed. My heart races like a race car as my mind figures out who this man is. It's Mr. Peen's 'friend', he helped me after Gereld Peen had abused me.

"Lily?" William asks in disbelief "no it can't be, you...you died. He told me you died! Oh my gosh."

I stare at him dumbfounded, what?! What the actual f?!

"What?!" Austin growls obviously not liking the fact he knows me and neither of us saying anything is probably making it worse.

William steps forward to say something but I hop off the bed and put my arms in front of me, my hands shaking as if magically they will keep him away.

"N-No," I say as he takes another step "D-Don't come any c-closer."

Austin snarls at William as he stands protectively in between William and I. He looks at me to check I'm alright but I don't take my eyes of William. He grabs my hip and pulls me into his chest.

Jason grabs William's shoulder and I barely hear him telling William to sit on a seat the opposite side of the room.

"Maia," Jason sad calmly "come sit back down on the bed, your not suppose to be up yet."

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