Chapter 12(Final Decisions)

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Kaylyn snorted. "I don't know who the hell you think you are!" she snapped. "But I'm not an obedient little puppy to order around when you feel like it."

Matthew only stood, watching her, uninterested in the words that came from her mouth. He knew that this argument was one thing he intended on winning. He wasn't interested in hearing anything else Kaylyn was saying, because his mind was made up and he wasn't planning on changing it anytime soon.

He sighed when she continued to throw her insults at him. He saw the movements of her mouth, but blocked the sounds out in his mind. He smiled watching her, surprised that he actually found the woman amusing. She was a spitfire, he knew that, but he was not going to be deterred by her slamming insults.

Getting frustrated, he began walking towards Kaylyns room, ignoring the gasp that escaped her lips. He took his time, with not a care in the world and went to her closet. He gazed at the outfits in concentration, as if pondering on what he should take out.

He began to reach for a dress that was hanging in one corner of the closet, but Kaylyn slapped away his hand before he got the chance to actually take it down.

He turned towards her, not missing her widened eyes and flushed face. "What the hell do you think you're doing!" she yelled in outrage.

Matthew released a light sigh. "What does it look like I'm doing?" he fired back.

     "Can you please get out of my closet and my room?" she exclaimed, lowering her voice by a tad.

      "Not until you are ready so we can both leave," he answered coolly.

Kaylyn raked her fingers through her hair in frustration. "I. Am. Not. Going. Anywhere. With. You!" she grounded out slowly, each word emphasized and firm.

Matthew cocked a brow. "OK then, back to what I was doing," he expelled nonchalantly before continuing with his earlier task.

Kaylyn grabbed him by the arms and pulled him away from her closet, but Matthew went back and continued anyway.

She sighed in defeat. "OK fine. If I visit that doctor, will you stop with the pestering?" she asked almost pleadingly.

      "No. You are moving in with me whether or not you visit that doctor, which I might add, you will do by the way," he said as he knelt down to pull out a suitcase that was at the bottom.

      "You have a fiancée god damnit and despite the fact that we're having a child together, we're mere strangers!" she exclaimed aloud.

Matthew stopped to spare her a glance. "Your point?" he raised a brow.

Kaylyn scoffed. "Are you an idiot? she hissed. I am not going to be the third leg in your relationship and I'm definitely not moving into your house!"

Matthew smiled at that and shook his head. "You are the mother of my child."

      "And she is love of your life," she bit out.

Matthew snorted. "Kaylyn I don't think there's much point in arguing with me when we both know how this will end." He stood and went to her drawers, rummaging through.

Kaylyn gasped, realizing it was the drawer for her undies. "Move!" she slapped his hands.

Matthew smirked. "I've seen them before you know."

Kaylyn rolled her eyes and slammed the drawer shut. "I am not going anywhere with you Matthew," she said hands akimbo.

      "I think you are forgetting my earlier threat," he reminded softly.

Bound By A Bump (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz