Chapter 14 (It's off)

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All eyes turned to the blonde that stood at the door, arms folded with an eyebrow raised by curiosity. Kaylyn swallowed, recognizing who the woman was.

Catherine Belle!

She watched as the woman glared at her from head to toe, sending her an unpleasant once-over.

      "Well?" she insisted, clearly awaiting an answer.

      "This is Kaylyn. She will be staying with us," Sapphire beamed cheerfully.

Catherine's gaze left her and then shifted to Matthew, her eyes questioning.

    "Kaylyn excuse us for a minute please," he said, then turned to Catherine, ushering her out of the room.

Kaylyn sighed heavily as they left the room. She felt like an intruder or some sort of home wrecker. She hoped the woman convinced Matthew to have her leave, because she did already not like the situation.


      "What did Sapphire mean?" Catherine asked as soon as they were far away enough so that they weren't at risk of being overheard.

     "Exactly what she said," Matthew confirmed.

Her eyes widened slightly. "Who is she? Is she a family member?" she asked curiously, blue eyes demanding.

Matthew rubbed his temples. "You're not going to like what I have to tell you," he warned.

Catherine swallowed and lifted her chin a little higher. "Well, what is it?"

Matthew sighed, thinking of a way he would make the situation more subtle.

      "She's pregnant with my child," he said coolly and Catherine gasped, shocked.

      "Pregnant?" she hissed bitterly, mouth agape.

Matthew nodded and before he could even open his mouth to say something else, he received a stinging slap to the face.

      "How could you?!" Catherine spat in dismay.

       "She's the woman I was in the paper with," he told her and her eyes widened a bit more.

      "That woman," she hissed in disbelief. Matthew's silence answered her question.

      "And she's staying here? Do you really believe that child she's carrying is really yours Matthew?! Come on, I thought you were smarter than that," she exclaimed.

Matthew sighed. "The child is mine Catherine and as for bringing her here, that was my decision to make," he exclaimed.

She raised a brow. "Oh and you didn't think it necessary to consult with me first? Your fiancée!" she hissed.

Matthew ground his teeth. "Fiancée not wife," he fired back a bit harshly.

Catherine stepped back in bewilderment. "I can't believe this! We are supposed to get married and here you are, housing your mistake and your soon to be bastard," she said angrily.

Matthew lifted an accusatory index finger. "Don't you dare!" he bit out slowly; deadly.

She snorted. "So you're defending her now?" she asked rhetorically.

     "You should be happy I'm taking responsibility for my actions," he blared and Catherine rolled her eyes.

       "Not at the cost of my reputation!" she snapped. "How do you think it'll look on me when they find that the man I'm to marry has another woman pregnant and she's staying in his house? I will look like the mistress. I will look like the odd ball!" she spat, jabbing her thumb to her chest. A tear slipped from her eyes and she quickly brushed it away.

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